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I am sitting in the makeup trailer, getting my face on before the first scene of the day. It is summer and the sun is already baking outside. It is looking like it's gonna be a hot one and the air in the trailer is already stifling.

My temples are kinda pounding, a headache surely forming and the constant chatter from, the elseway sweet, makeup ladies do not really help.

To level with you, it is hard work being on a tv show, as a teenager dreaming of a career in acting I thought it would be the sweet and easy deal to get, you know less travelling and all that.. and of course that is true. But it is still long days, odd hours and a lot of just waiting around.

And well all the perks, premiers, Awards shows, parties.. of course there is still some.. but I have a feeling the a-listers, the real movie stars get a lot more of that.

"Oh god, I saw him outside, he is even more handsome in the flesh.. and he is single". One of the girl is gushings to the others.

I am wondering who is the latest object at their affecting, probably one of the male actors, on the other hand.. she sounds like he is new to the set.. and it peaks my interest just a bit.

The girl asks my to pucker my lips, as she smear floss on them. "What about you Melina, aren't you like crazy excited to work with him ?"

"Uhm work with who now ?" I look around the trailer, eyeing the girls. What hasn't I been told this time ? Apparently there is a New man on set.. someone hot and single I guess.

"You haven't heard ? For reals girl ?" The youngest of the girls look at me with surprise. "You are getting a new co-star.. they just announced this morning".

I slowly massage my forehead. Why am I never told anything beforehand ? It's like my opinion don't matter at all. "As usual that would be no.. I haven't heard a thing".

"It's Tom Hiddleston.. uhh girl you are so lucky, that man is sooo fine.. Imagine if you get to kiss him". The lipgloss girl say with a sigh.

No.. I have to have misunderstood.. heard wrongly. It can't be right, he can't be here. They can't do that to me. Suddenly the hot air is downright choking and I feel faint.

I get up, feeling my legs shake slightly. "Will you excuse me ladies.. I need fresh air.. I need to talk to someone".

Getting out the trailer I try to steady myself. I have to do something, to end this oncoming nightmare before it's to late. This could ruin everything.

I almost run over the lot, heading for the administration buildings, as I look for Gertrude, the producer of the show, she is usually around, especially if something new is happening.

"Gertrude !" I call when I spot her. I hate to look like a primadonna, but she has to find someone else for whatever part it is.. I refuse to work with that... man. "We have to talk.. like now".

She turns to look at me. She is a middle ages, very strict looking woman, but in reality she is much sweeter than she appears. "Well good morning Melina.. I was actually looking for you".

"Is it true ? The girls in makeup might have misunderstood.. you know how they gossip". I stop in front of her, breathing a bit hard. "Have you really hired.. a new actor ?"

"Oh yes, that's what I wanted to tell you". She is smiling, looking uncharacteristically excited. "It was a Real spur of the moment decision.. but apparently Tom Hiddleston is a big fan of the show, and we talked him into signing on".

I close my eyes, breathing in deeply.. I need to get my emotions under control. "I am sorry, but.. Gertrude you have to pull the offer back.. to stop this.. I can't work with that.. he is standing right behind me isn't he ?"

Gertrude nods slowly and her face is showing a weird mix of surprise over my behaviour and amusement at the situation.

I breathe in, as I slowly turn around, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in shambles. And there he is, looking just like I remember.. all tall, gingery and annoyingly handsome.

A crooked smile is playing on his lips and one eyebrow shoots up as he takes me in. "Well hello there darling.. a pleasure seeing you again".

"Oh hi Tom.. could you just... like go to hell, find the most desolate place there.. roll up and.. I don't know.. die.. please ?" It even surprise me how calm and cold my voice is.

As I turn walking back towards my trailer I hear Tom mutter. "Oh yes.. she still hate my guts".

"I suppose you two know each other from previously.. but you just have to deal with this.. I do not want to see this.. bickering on set". I am not sure if Gertrude is talking to me or Tom.. but I chose to ignore it.

I slam the door to my private trailer and slump down on the small couch.. fuck ! This is some serious.. shit. And he even had the audacity to show up looking so very complacent and.. argh so very much delicious.

I get on my feet again, pacing.. then I kick a pillow, making it fly through the small room and smack into the wall. Why is fate doing this to me ? It was all going so well.. the series is a success and I have started getting offers for movies.. now he shows up, ruining everything.

With a groan I slump back down on the couch, covering my face with my hands. Yes I had been naive, Maybe even stupid.. I had just arrived in LA back then.. but it was so not fair for it to come back and bite me in the ass now, more than a year later.

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