Will she be okay ?

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Melina slowly opened her eyes, where was she ? She looked around and spotted Tom, he was sitting next to her, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "Tom ?"
"Melina thank God you are awake, how are you feeling darling ?" He was looking at her with concern, his hand gentle stroking hers.
She blinked, what had happened ? Oh yeah, she had felt ill and then .. "Did we lose her ?"
"I don't know, they said it was a violent haemorrhage, you lost a lot of blood, I .. I thought I would lose you". The tears started falling down his cheeks.
Melina reached up to stroke his cheek, drying away the tears. "Don't cry sweetie, I am right here".
"It is all my fault, it's my punishment for not being there, for being such a coward". He rested his head on her shoulder.
It hurt physically to se him like that. "Tom don't think that way, it is in no way your fault, please you can't feel like that".
"I am so sorry my love, I wish I could turn back time and take back my actions, I am sorry I panicked". He looked at her with the most sorrowful eyes she had ever seen.
She leaned down to kiss him softly. "I understand why you panicked, I am not angry with you in any way, I love you".
"I love you too, more than anything and I promise I will never let you down again, no matter what". He rested his forehead against hers.
At that moment a doctor and a nurse entered with a scanner. "Good to see you are awake, you scared us for a moment, but you are going to be back on top in no time, we just want to give you a quick scan to check how everything is".
"Is there any possibility that she is okay ?" Melina looked at the doctor, hoping beyond hope.
The doctor looked at her very seriously. "I wont get your hopes up, but it is not impossible, it depends on where the bleeding came from and were the baby is in the uterus".
Tom grabbed her hand in both his, looking intently at her. "It will be okay darling, no matter what, it will be okay".
"As long as we got each other". She lifted his hands to her mouth and pressed a kiss to each of them.
Melina almost couldn't bring herself to look when the doctor was scanning, split between hope and fear of what they might find.
Tom was holding her hand between his, his eyes closed and she could see his lips move in a silent prayer.
"How far along are you supposed to be ?" The doctor looked at her questioningly, then back to the screen.
Melina did a quick count in her head, she knew she was supposed to count from her last period. "Not very far along, only about 6 weeks".
"Well then I think a congratulations is in order, look here that is a very healthy looking fetus, there is not heart flash yet, but there won't be for another week or two". The doctor said pointing to the screen.
Melina blinked and looked at the doctor with confusion. "So.. So I am still pregnant ? She is still there ?"
"Yes, it looks like at perfectly healthy pregnancy for 5 weeks, there is still a risk as always, but I don't think it is any higher than normal, sometimes we see these kinds of haemorrhages with no clear explanations". The doctor smiled at her.
Melina looked at Tom, he was just staring at her, his eyes blown wide and she gently asked. "Tom, are you okay ?"
"Did he just say..? Are you still pregnant ? Like for real ?" He looked at her like he was afraid she would tell him he got it all wrong.
She nodded and felt a tear run down her cheek. "Yes Tom, he did just say that, she is still there".
"I.. I am going to be a father ? It is a miracle". He hugged her tightly and she could feel his tears on her shoulder.
She patted his back gently. "Yes you are sweetie, I just wished you would have reacted like this the first time".
"Me too, I should have reacted like this, when I thought I had lost the both of you, I realised how stupid I've been, I am truly sorry". He kissed her ever so gently.

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