Flirting shamelessly

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"Thanks for lunch, I really hope we don't have to do this again soon". Melina said as they arrived back at the studio.
Tom shrugged. "I am not sure we get much of a saying in that, we have to wait and see how everyone reacts. And then they will probably tell us what they want".
They both had to get to make-up, to get ready for the scenes they were shooting in the afternoon, so they ended up walking down together and sitting next to each other.
Melina kept quiet, not sure how to act around him on set, did thay have to pretend there to ? There were alot of different people there who could tell on them, she needed to ask Gertrude what was expected of them.
When the got out from make-up, walking towards the wardrobe department, she shook her head. "Tell me do you always flirt so shamelessly with all women ?"
"Nope, I don't flirt with you, and by the way I wasn't flirting". He said with a teasing smile.
She snorted, oh no, there was no way she would believe he didn't knew. "Oh you weren't ? So it was for no reason at all, that all the make-up ladies where sighing and giggling like idiots".
"For no reason ? No of course not, that was because of me being so damn sexy, sweet and charming, but I wasn't flirting, I was just being me". He said grinning.
Melina rubbed her temples, oh God he was truly impossible, she just couldn't understand how she had found him so sweet and charming when she first met him.
Their afternoon scenes luckily went smoothly, Tom behaved professional and didn't try to wind her up, and she almost forgot to hate him for just a moment.
"Gertrude I have something I wanted to ask you". Melina just spotted the producer on her way out.
Gertrude stopped and smiled at her. "Oh hi Melina, I was just looking for you, what is it ?"
"I was wondering, how am I supposed to act around Tom here on the lot ? Is everyone to believe the hoax as well so they don't go of saying something else ?" She asked.
Gertrude scratched her head. "Well you don't have to go around kissing him or holding hands, but if you could refrain from throwing stuff at him and yelling how much you hate him it might be helpful".
"It ain't going to be easy, but okay I'll try, why where you looking for me ?" She looked curiously at the producer.
"I just wanted to tell you that this seems to be on a roll, you date is already on the net getting a lot of interest, so there should be tabloid action tomorrow, the boss want to keep up the interest". She smiled apologetically.
Melina sighed, so she wasn't going to get a break from him, but she guessed it was a good thing if it was working. "What then ?"
"A premiere Thursday evening, but still just as friends and colleagues, keep them guessing a little longer". Gertrude was writing something in her calendar.
Melina breathed out relieved. "So no kissing or holding hand or any kind of hanky-panky ?"
"See this is where you get to use your talent honey, if you could hint something, a tid bit they can spend hours dissecting it would be perfect, just a touch or a lingering gaze something like that". Gertrude was watching her.
Melina sighed, well she guessed she could do that. "It is not because I want to, but I might be able to think of something".
She said goodbye to Gertrude and walked to her car, so two days, and then another date with him, even if they were supposed to be just friends, she just hoped he would act like a gentleman for once.
Melina had only just arrived home when her phone called, it was Victoria and Melina knew what she was after.
"Hi Victoria, long time no see darling, how are you ?" Melina hoped against hope that her friend hadn't snatched up the news yet, but as she worked for a gossip internet site the chance was slim to none.
Victoria snorted. "Yes yes hi Melina, why the hell didn't you call me first ? What is happening with you and Tom Hiddleston ?"
"We are just co-starring in the new season Victoria, we had lunch and caught up". She guessed that was about what she could give her by now.
She could hear that her friend didn't quite believe her. "That was looking a lot more cosy that just friends catching up, you know you can tell me sweetie".
"Oh yes, it's not like it would be breaking news on your page within five minutes right ? If I had something to tell, but as I said, just friends". Melina answered.
Victoria sighed. "Of the record, I hope you are telling me the truth darling, I still think he is to old for you, even though he still is handsome isn't he ?"
"He is not that old Victoria, not that it ia relevant, but he is what ?  35, I am 24, thats not abnormal ?" Melina really didn't hope the media would swing it that way, that he was to old for her.
Victorias voice was serious. "He is turning 36 in like a couple of months, that is nearly 12 years difference, that is quite a lot, but okay maybe not, you know where it gets nasty".
"But as I said friends, I promise you get words first if there should come a day when there is anything to tell okay ?" Melina said, hoping she could keep the promise.
"I hold you to that darling, I wont forgive you if you forget me". Victoria said grinning.
They said there goodbyes, and Melina slumped down on the couch, she haded lying to her friends, but she couldn't risk the show getting cancelled, she wasn't sure her name was enough to land her a new role yet.

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