Were is Tom ?

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"Where the hell is Tom at ? Has anyone seen the bloody idiot ?" The director was pretty pissed by now, Tom hadn't shown up and they were already nearly half an hour late.
Nobody answered, but Melina knew he was somewhere in the studio, because she had seen his car and he had been talking to Gertrude, she sighed, this was not what she needed. "I'll go find him".
She walked toward the the trailers, logic told her to look in his trailer first, but why was he a no show ? That wasn't like him, normally he was pretty good at keping his own time, which was usually 5-10 minutes late, but never more.
She knocked on his door, but there was no answer, so she called out. "Tom are you in there ? We need you on set".
"Yeah okay, just go back, say I'm gonna be there in a minute Melina". She thought his voice sounded strange and he slurred the words.
She tried the door, it wasn't locked, so she walked in. "Tom ? Where are you ? What are you doing ?"
"Nothing, just leave me alone". He mumbled, and Melina spotted him, he was sitting up against the wall in the corner, she turned on the lights.
He blinked at the sharp lights, he had a pair of black jeans on and nothing else, his hair a total mess, and he was taking a swing from a bottle of whiskey clutched in one hand.
"Tom what the fuck, you are totally wasted". She walked over, and ripped the bottle from his hand, it was more than half empty, what the hell was he playing at ?
He pouted, looking like a big baby and reached for the bottle. "Give it back, I am not finished".
"The hell you are, you are more than done Tom, what the fuck where you thinking ?" She glared at him, she had never seen him drink on set before, so she didn't believe this to be normal behaviour.
He sighed and put his head down on his knees, she put the bottle up on the table. "We have to get you ready Tom, we can't miss an entire day of shooting".
"I don't feel so good". He suddenly turned really pale, then kind of green and Melina hurried and opened the bathroom door for him, when he ran out there to throw up.
She pulled out her phone and sent Gertrude a text > Tom is indisposable for the time beeing, can you work it out on set, I get him back on his feet as fast as possible, I'll explain later <
And then she sent one for Anni > Sweetie I need as much coffee as you can find, as fast as possible in Tom's trailer <
Gertrude answered > I'll handle that, get him ready < and Anni answered > I am on my way <
She heard him flush and then turn on the water, she shook her head and asked. "Are you okay Tom ?"
"I have felt a lot better to be honest". He answered and walked out, he collapsed on the couch, running his hand through his hair, he was still pale but his eyes were a little brighter.
She looked at him, shaking her head. "What the hell was that about you big idiot ? What do you think you are doing ?"
"I don't know okay ? It just seemed like a really great idea". He sounded a bit on edge.
She picked up a bottle of water from the small fridge and handed it to him. "A great idea ? To chuck down halv a bottle of whiskey a friday morning at work, wow yeah really great idea Tom, truly one of your better".
It knocked on the door and she opened, Anni came in, carrying a big thermos with coffee, she looked at Tom with surprise, his smile a bit strained.
Melina looked at Anni, and signalled her to go outside and talk, she handed Tom a cup.
"What the hell has he been doing ? He looked like something the cat threw up and then dragged in". Anni asked in a hushed voice.
Melina rolled her eyes. "The idiot thought it a great idea to start the day getting into a bottle of whisky alone and not meeting on set".
"Oh shit, you think you can get him up and ready for shooting ?" Anni looked at her questioningly.
"I really hope so, it might help a little that he threw up most of it, but he is not going to have a good day, but thank you for you help". Melina walked back into the trailer.
Tom was sitting with a cup of coffee. "Thank you, it was just what I needed, but why are you here ?"
"You didn't show up on set, it isn't like you, so I thought something might be wrong and offered to find you". She shrugged.
He looked up at her. "Thank you Melina, even though I am a bit embarrassed you got to see me like that".
"Tom seriously, I don't think you can pull any shit that would surprise me anymore". She said dryly.
He emptied his coffee cup, refilling it. "Sorry, I was being a total asshole last night weren't I ?"
"Well yeah, just a bit, no scratch that, you was being just about as much of an asshole as is humanly possible". She glared at him.
He sighed deeply. "Well yeah, would you hate me a little bit less, if I told you how much I regret walking out on you ?"
"Tom seriously ? No if you regretted starting it in the first place, then it might help a tiny bit". She answered.
He smiled apologetically and shrugged. "Sorry, but then I would be lying, and I prefer not to lie".
She grabbed her own head, seriously she simply didn't know what to do with him. "Just get some coffee in your system Tom, we have alot of scenes to shoot today".

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