That scene

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"Oh God, I thought I was going to throw up, seriously why does everyone swoon over him ? He isn't that hot". Malina was changing into her costume, looking at Anni annoyed.

Anni shrugged, she looked afraid to say the wrong thing. "You know the girls in makeup, they are very gigglish".

Melina sighted, the makeup ladies had been chatting non stop about how fantastic Tom was, until all she wanted was to start screaming.

"Good luck, break a leg or what it is that you say, try thinking about something really boring when he kisses you". Anni yelled as she walked away.

Normally Melina prided herself on making very few mistakes, and having a lot of one shot scenes. But today she was really beside herself, making mistakes upon mistakes and forgetting her lines. It was all his bloody fault, she was so freaking nervous about that scene and for kissing him on camera.

"Oh for fucks sake". Melina kicked an old boot laying on the ground and it flew through the room. Much to her dismay, she saw it was heading directly for the back of the directors head. She would be in so much trouble.

But just before hitting its target, it was snatched out of the air by Tom, with a very nonchalant motion. He looked at her. "Watch out my pretty, you could hit someone".

Melina didn't know whether to be grateful or annoyed. She might actually prefer the scolding she would have gotten to the complacent smile he was sending her.

"As long as it is you I am hitting I see no problem". She said pulling a face at him. Okay she felt a little like Melina 5 years old in kindergarten, but he just got out the worst in her.

Melina managed to come through the day, but she knew everyone was getting pretty tired of her, and she understood why. She was acting erratic, being demanding and snapped at everyone for little things.

When they finally got to the scene she had dreaded she was completely depleted and just wanted it over with. And she felt a bit like she had stressed a lot for nothing.

"I promise you, if you try anything funny, I am so kneeing you in the balls and I don't care what others will think". She hissed at him, while waiting for the shoot to start. She just couldn't handle anymore that day.

He held his hands up as a sign of surrendering. "Maybe you should start caring about what other think, just a tiny bit. You are not making new friends the way you are acting my dear".

She was glaring at him, but he was right. Not that she would admit it, but she had to be careful, it was so easy to get a bad reputation or make enemies in the business.

Actually the kiss annoyed her for several reasons. First of all she didn't want to kiss him, but secondly it felt wrong for her character to just allow some guy to sweep in and kiss her, but she knew they wouldn't listen to her opinion.

They started filming, and it hit her that Tom was pretty much perfect for the role. He was playing her new sidekick, a dashingly handsome, mysterious, charming guy with a fast mouth. The kiss was at the very end, and the audience had to wait a week to see what would happen next.

The scene started with her fighting a vampire in an alley. The vampire had knocked the stake from her hand and was about to bite her. Entering Tom, he picks up the stake, kababing the vampire, saving her.

She had to admit the role suited him, they had trimmed his hair at the sides, leaving it a little long at the top, taming his emerging curls with some vax. He was wearing fitted black jeans, a tight black v-neck t-shirt and a black trench coat. All in all he looked mysterious and very sexy.

He stepped off the ledge of the fire escape nonchalantly, okay the drop was only a little more than 4 feet, but it would be changes by computer graphics to looks like a lot more, and he landed agile like a cat.

He picked up the stake, hammering it into the vampires back, like it was something he did every day. "Cut".

The had to get the vampyre of stage, so they could make him turn to dust by computer later. "Ready, shooting".

Tom sent her his most charming smile, then his arms were around her waist, pulling her into him, and then his lips were on hers, kissing her.

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