Getting ready for a first date

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"So what is the plan ? How do we get this out there ?" Jake was looking at the big boss and Gertrude.
The boss took a sip of water and smiled. "Well I was thinking we could start with a private date and make sure the paps get a call about it, that will start a lot of speculations and that way give us publicity".
"Sounds like a great idea, and then we can see the respons if we should move forward with this, and if we need to go public". Gertrude answered, writing someting in her calendar.
The three of them keept discussing how and when and what should happen, Tom slided down on the chair next to Melina. "Wow they really has the 'lets make them feel like a piece of meat' worked out".
"You can say that again, I really didn't think people did this, apparently I am still naive". She sighted, she had contemplated giving him an harsh answer, but right know she just didn't have the energy to fight.
He chuckled lightly. "Well they do, but no one really talkes about it, and you are not naive, just trusting".
The deal turned out that they should have lunch out on town the next day and Jake promised he would make sure that the right paarezzis got word.
Melina walked out with Gertrude. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do ? Will anyone buy this at all ?"
"I have seen it work before, really well actually, and you probably don't wanna hear this, but you two look great together, the audience is going to love this". She answered.
Melina was shaking her head in disbelief. "Have you seen us together ? It isn't exactly chemistry and warm feelings we have between us".
"Well maybe not warm feelings and I would still like to know what has happened between you two, but chemistry you have aboundens of that". She said with a sly smile.
"You know a hell lot more than me about this sort of thing, has Tom done this before ?" She could help but ask, looking at Gertrude.
The older woman shook her head. "No not as far as I know, I actually no for a fact he has turned down offers for some high profile showmances before, he has always been pretty private, so I am still quite shocked he agreed to this".
"Oh okay". Melina didn't know what to think about that, maybe it was just another way for him to drive her crazy.
The next day theynshoot a couple of scenes in the morning and then Melina was ushered of to get ready for her date, getting her hair and make-up done, which felt kind of weird.
They had giving her a light pretty make-up, and twisted her long blond hair into a messy bun, leaving som lose locks to fall down and frame her face, in costume they handed her a pretty summer dress.
When she walked out the studio, Tom was waiting, leaned against his car, she hated to admit it, but he looked really handsome in jeans, a tight white T-shirt and an unbuttoned short sleeved shirt over.
"Are you ready ? You look really pretty by the way". He straightened up, and when she nodded, he opened the passenger door to his navy jaguar for her.
"Do you have any idea what to do ?" Melina looked at him uncertain as he manoeuvred the car through traffic with ease.
He glanced at her and then focused on the road again. "No not really, I guess we just have to act natural, but you know look like it is not friendly".
"Guess you are rigth, please remind me why I agreed to do this ?" She shook her head in regret.
He parked in front of a very hip and happening cafe, and answered teasingly. "Because you just can't resist me of course".
"Sure Tom, you know what you said about it not being friendly, does it count if I break your nose ?" She asked sugary sweet.
He jumped out and come around to open her door. "It might not be friendly dear, but I doubt that was what they were thinking about".
She got out the car and he offered her his arm, she accepted it, as she had to look like she liked the idiot and he walked her into the cafe, getting them a table at the patio.
"Smart move, out here we can't not be seen even if we tried to hide". She said winking at him.
He pulled out her chair, before sitting down across from her. "That was kind of the idea".

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