The much needed talk

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"Tom come with me now". Melina grabbed his arm, pulling with her, he looked confused, but followed her anyway.
She opened the first door, she wanted to be alone, and almost threw him into the room, cloosing the door behind them.
It turned out to be a small supply room, but she didn't really care, she just glared at him.
"Fuck, what have I done now ?" He look at her resignedly, like he just waited for her to give him an earfull.
It had been her intention to talk to him, to get an explanation, to get a lot of questions out of the way, but she found herself grabbing him and kissing him passionately.
He seemed a bit surprised, but pulled her into him, kissing her back more than willingly.
When she let him go, he looked at her in bewilderment and said a bit breathless. "Sorry but what the fuck just happened ? Not that I am complaining, it was just a bit unexpected".
"Why didn't you tell me you were separated you big fool ?" She pushed him in the chest, suddently feeling annoyed and he grabbed her wrists.
"Could we please contain those mood swings, you never let me explain did you ?" He was staring at her.
She snorted. "Well you didn't try that hard did you ? You could have said 'no I am seperated' when I asked if your were married".
"I could, but it wasn't public and I had promised not to tell anyone before she turned in the papers, and well you kind of caught me of guards". He breathed out deeply.
She got angry, mostly at herself, but Tom was the only one there to lash out at. "You made me feel like such a fool, when you could have just told me the truth".
"Sorry, but I didn't know you. You could have gone to the press and caused me a lot of problems and don't forget you had just hit me pretty hard". He answered.
She knew it made perfect sense, but she had a hard time handling everything right now. "But why haven't you explained afterwards ?"
"Well you did everything you possibly could to avoid me for over a year, and when I finally got a chance to get anywhere near you again, you still wouldn't listen to me". He threw out his arms.
He was right, she hadn't actually let him explain, and he said. "I had to sell this stupid showmance idea to Gertrude and the boss, just to get close enough to even talk to you".
Melina just stood there, her mouth hanging open, staring at him, she pronounced every word very clearly and slowly. "It .. was .. your .. idea ?"
"Well yeah, it was and it actually wasn't easy convincing everyone else to do this". He sighed and looked like he expected her to explode.
She blinked, trying to make sense of it all. "But why Tom ? Why was it so damned important to you to talk to me ?"
"Honestly I don't really know, I just felt so bad for hurting you back then and I did mean what I said, I actually wanted to get to know you, I liked you.. well I still like you". He shrugged.
"So you cheated me into a fake relationship ? That has to be the weirdest tactic I have ever heard about". She shook her head slowly.
He bit his lip. "You wouldn't talk to me at all, I didn't know how else I could show you that I am not a complete ass".
She raised one eyebrow and said teasingly. "Well Tom, maybe you should consider how you behave sometimes".
"Melina just once, please shut up. And then get your ass over here and kiss me". He grabbed her around the waist with one arm.
She glared at him, but then she smiled and her hands grabbed his neck, before kissing him warmly.
He pulled her into him, her hands ran into his hair, grabbing it, her tongue found his and she sighed contently.
Anni threw open the door, staring at them. "The premiere is in two minutes and everyone is looking for you".
"Whoops, I forgot everything about that, we are coming now". Melina let go of him, but grabbed his hand and he laced his fingers into hers.
They hurried out and Anni closed the door, looking at Melina. "And if you tell me that I am still wrong and that there is nothing between you two, I promise you that I am going to scream my head off".
They looked at each other and started laughing and Anni looked at them strangely. "Come on you crazy kids".
As soon as they reached the movie teater the episode started, Melina sat down between Tom and Anni, and she leaned close to Anni and whispered. "Thank you".
"You are very welcome, someone had to give you that kick in the ass you needed". Anni said grinning.
Then Melina leaned agaist Tom's shoulder and he stretched, sneaking his arm around her, making her giggle.
After the episode was done there was drinks and musik in the foyer, Tom pulled her with him onto the dance floor and she hadn't had so much fun in a long time.
Gertrude came over. "Great news, the ratings are through the roof and all the reviews are good. Tom they simply love you".
"Wow great, I am so happy to hear that". Melina smiled and leaned back against Tom, he put his arms around her.
"Well always nice to be loved". He said, nuzzling his nose against her neck, Melina lifting her hand, placing it gently on his cheek.
The producer looked at them and smiled. "Am I reading this wrong or do I detect a change here ?"
"It might be the lack of hate streaming in my general direction you are feeling". Tom said grinning and kissed Melina behind the ear.
She glanced up at him. "Watch out sweetie, just because I happen to like you, I can still slap you into next week if you get to cheeky".
"I love you to darling". He just said and kissed her on the cheek, making Melina roll her eyes, he was still going to piss her of on a regular basis.
Gertrude smiled happily. "I am so happy for you, well it actually worked then Tom. I was starting to doubt if she would ever give in".
"You weren't the only one, we were all getting quite impatient with her". Anni said as she walked over and Melina stuck out her tongue at her.
Tom put one arm around Annis shoulders, pulling her into his side, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank You Anni, I have an inkling that you had a finger in this".
"More like an arm, but it is fine, if this just means I don't have to watch you two run around like love sick teenagers anymore". She said teasingly.
Melina smiled at her sweetly, then she looked at Tom. "I am not so sure that I can promise you that".
He grabbed her, pulling her into him, her lips finding his, and his hands grabbed her ass, whiler hers caressed his neck and ran into his hair.
"Oh God, go get a room or something please". Anni said grinning, grabbing Gertrudes arm, pulling her with her to the bar.
Melina stretched to whisper amorously in his ear. "Or we could go back to my place".
He looked at her, clearly wondering if she was serious and she smiled at him, letting her tongue grace over her lip.
"Lets get out of here". He grabbed her hand, pulling her with him outside, not bothering to say goodbye.
The valet brought his car and Tom opened the door to her, and almost run around the drives side, jumping into the car.
"Tom relax, no reason to get a speeding ticket. I am not going to turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes midnight". Melina placed a hand on his thigh.
He slowed down just a bit and sendt her an apologetic smile. "Whoops, you a totally right of course".

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