Intimate moments

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Tom parked the car outside her apartment and hurried to open her door and she couldn't help but giggle at him.
Melina took her time walking to the door, rummaging through her bag for her keys, she could feel Tom breathing on her neck and turned towards him. "Getting impatient ?"
"Do you realise how lang I have been waiting for this ?" He bit his lips and sent her a very innocent smile.
She couldn't help but smile back at him, then she grabbed his tie, pulling him with her inside and closing the door behind them.
He looked at her with adoration and sighed. "Do you even know how impossibly beautiful you are ?"
"And do you know just how charming you can actually be when you are not fooling around ?" She answered, pulling him into a loving kiss.
When she let go of him, he took of his jacket, hanging it on the chair and loosened his tie, then he kneeled and gentle grabbed her foot, removing her shoe and kissing the top of her foot.
Melina blushed, it was the most intimate thing someone had ever done, and she didn't know what to do with herself, he repeated with her other foot.
Tom let his hands glide up her legs while getting up again, and she closed her eyes sighing deeply.
His lips caught hers and she could feel him smile, before he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, biting down lightly on it, which made her moan and unbutton his waistcoat, pulling it of him.
She grabbed both ends of his now untied tie, pulling him with her to the stairs, he followed her willingly, kicking of his shoes at the first step.
When the reached her bedroom, he unzipped her dress, letting it glide of her body, she was wearing red lace lingerie and his eyes caressed her body. "Just wow".
Melina smiled and pulled slowly on one end of his tie, pulling it of him, the she unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, kissing his throat lightly.
When she opened the second button, kissing the exposed skin beneath it, he caught his breath and she keept going, kissing every inch of exposede skin as she unbuttoned his shirt and removed it.
"Well the working out seems to have had an effect". She let her hands run over his chest and stomach, the muscles a tad more defined than usual.
He flexed his muscles grinning and she pushed him back unto the bed, smirking at him.
Melina grabbed the waist of his pants and opened them, before pulling them down, then she pulled of his socks, before crawling up on the bed to him.
He pulled her up tp kiss her, while swiftly opening her bra and discharging it on the floor, his hands cupping her breasts.
"I have told you before, but I think I am going to tell you again and again, these are magnificent". He kneaded her breasts gently, making her moan.
She was kissing down his neck and along his collarbone and he was making small noises of appreciation.
Then he grabbed her, rolling on top of her, a naughty smile playing on his lips and she felt her stomach do a backflip and it didn't help when his lips closed around her nipple.
She gasped and felt the heat rise in her abdomen, making her clench her thighs and entwine her hands in his hair.
"Just a warning, if you as much as think about running out on me this time, I am not answering for the consequences". She pulled him up to look into his eyes.
He smiled teasingly, but then he turned serious. "Don't worry, I would never be that stupid".
She kissed him deeply, her hands sliding down his back, down to his ass, then she grabbed his boxers, pulling them down.
He looked into her eyes, his eyes were getting dark and his breathing a bit shallow, then he grabbed her panties, pulling them of in a smooth motion.
She gasped as his fingers traced up her thigh, just ghosting over her folds, she was breathing heavily, and his fingers slowly ran up and down over her.
Then his long fingers found her entrance, and she moaned deeply as he trusted two fingers into her, pushing herself against his hand.
Melina could literally feel herself dripping and she couldn't take it much more, he was hitting all the right buttons making her squirm.
"Tom please, I need you now, right now". She grabbed his dick, and he let her gide him to her entrance, removing his fingers, sliding all the way in in one deep thrust, making her whimper and grab his ass.
He moved slowly, painfully slow and Melina was hitching her breath, letting her nails dig into his back and shoulders, she could feel every inch of him and it was driving her insane.
It felt like all nerves in her body was on high alert and she almost couldn't breath, it just kept building and building inside her.
"Please, harder, faster, I am going crazy, please". She was gasping, pressing her hips up to him, wanting it so badly.
But his hand just grabbed her hip, holding her down, while keeping the same maddening pace. "Oh no darling, no rush, I am enjoying you way to much".
Melina felt her legs start to shake and small waves of pleasure rolled through her, making her moan even louder. "Oh Lord, please Tom, please".
And finally he let go of her hip, making her buck her hip against him, welcoming his now fast and hard thrusts.
It didn't take long before he moaned her name as he was cumming, and that was it, her world exploded in pure pleasure and glinting stars, and she hoped the walls had good isolation as she screamed out her orgasm.

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