Slapping him

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At least he behaved, no tricks or sucking on her lip to make her brain shut of, but he was still a great kisser and she caught herself enjoying it much more than she should.

"Cut, great work both of you, very believable". The director yelled. This time he let her go right away, stepping away from her.

Melina glanced up at him, but he just sent her a small smile and then left, leaving her utterly surprised that he didn't have a sly comment to throw at her.

The next morning Gertrude was waiting outside her trailer when she arrived. "Morning Melina, I got the new script for you. You might just love the first scene, and by the way, the boss wants to see you for a lunch meeting at 12.30".

"Thank you Gertrude". She grabbed the script, excitedly opening it to the first page, while she walked into her trailer.

"What a great mood you seem to be in today". Anni said happily, as Melina halfway danced into the costume department some time later.

She flashed a grand smile. "Oh I just really like the new script, even though it starts with a kiss, because the last one ended with the kiss. Now we get the conclusion".

"So you have to kiss him again, but now it makes you happy ?" Anni looked like she thought that she had lost her marbles completely.

"Yep, because as soon as it is over, I get to smack his pretty face, and he can't do shit about it. I just knew she wouldn't let such an idiot swoop in and kiss her". Melina said with a grin.

Anni looked at her kind of worried. "You are not going to hit him for real are you ? You know you are only supposed to pretend to right ?"

"Oh for God's sake Anni, can't you just let me have my fun. The idea of hitting him makes me happy". She said rather disappointed.

Anni handed her the costume, and she started putting it on, remembering the other news. "I have been summoned to a lunch meeting with the boss".

"Oh shit Melina, a lunch meeting ? That is usually never at good thing, you know that right". Anni looked at her with concern.

Melina felt her stomach knot up. She had no idea it was supposed to be bad. "Isn't it ? I kind of thought that it was just lunch and a talk".

"Normally he does it if there is something really good, like an award nomination, but it is not award season or else it is usually something bad, like shows getting cancelled.". Anni wasn't looking at her.

She tried to shrug it of. "It might be something else positive, or maybe just a coincidence, to celebrate the new season and such".

"Yeah, don't fret about it, I am sure it is all good. There probably is a good reason". Anni said, not looking like she believed herself at all.

When Melina walked onto the set, she had forgot everything about being happy about the script, because she was so worked up about that damned lunch meeting.

Tom was already waiting on set when she came in, he was eyeing her. "Let me guess, you are over the moon about the script".

"Huh, uh yeah sure" Melina was so deep in her own thoughts that she didn't even realised he was the one talking to her.

"Are you sick ? Are you a robot from the future ? An alien copy of Melina ? I was expecting you to dance around, threatening to fuck up the scene so you could do it again and again". He looked at her dumbfounded.

When she didn't react he stepped in front of her, grabbed her chin and forced her gently to look at him. "Let me guess, you have been summoned to a lunch meeting ? And someone told you that it usually means something bad right ? Relax, I had a lunch meeting with the boss yesterday, it is nothing to worry your pretty little head about".

"Well thank you, but I am not worried, I was trying to concentrate and pretend that you don't exist". She answered, but inside the knot unravelled quite a bit.

He let her go, shaking his head slowly. "Aha, let's go with that one, if it makes you happy". He let her be until they were ready to start shooting.

"And shooting" The most annoying part about the kiss, was that she had to start the scene in his arms, which meant she had to stand close to him for several minutes while they checked lighting and sound.

She could feel his body heat, and she could easily smell him, the same scent, spicy and masculine, either he still used the same cologne or it was just the way he smelled.

He kissed her, luckily a short kiss, and she pushed him away and smacked him across the cheek, she just marked him, but made sure he could feel it.

They ended up having to do the scene 5 times, but it wasn't her fault, it was actually Tom who kept screwing up his lines.

She looked at him and hissed sarcastically. "I am starting to think that you actually likes getting slapped by me".

"Maybe I just love the way you press those big breasts against me". He shot back grinning.

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