Harsh rejection

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"Well shouldn't you at least flirt with me first, tell me I'm pretty or something ?" He said grinning.
She sent him an annoyed glare. "Fuck Tom, I don't wanna get you naked, come on just get going, and I am gonna give them something to gossip about".
"Okay okay little Miss suddenly so bossy. You know, I find this strangely erotic". He stood up, and unbuttoned his waistcoat, removing it, then he continued with his shirt, holding it out to her, when he had taken it of.
She unzipped her dress, and let it slide to the floor, his eyes dilated violently, then he looked at the floor saying. "Uhh Melina you are not wearing any bra".
"Like you haven't seen my breasts before". She pulled on his shirt, buttoning only a couple of buttons in the middle, just covering the essential.
She didn't know why she had just taken of the dress, she could have turned her back, maybe the wine had something to do with it, alkohol made har act rash sometimes, but the look on his face made it worth it.
He looked up at her again, running a hand through his hair. "And what exactly do you plan to do ?".
"Come on, I show you". She walked to the stair to the upstairs part of her apartment, and he was trailing behind.
Melina walked into her bedroom, and opened the big glass doors to the balcony. "What do you think the paps down there will think of me walking out there wearing your shirt ?"
"That you look so damn sexy it should be illegal". He said biting his lip, Melina felt her thighs clench together, but she hid it well.
She bend to take of her shoes, but as she was about to walk out the door Tom grabbed her arm. "Just a moment, you look to perfeck doll".
He gently removed the clasp holding her hair, letting his hands run into it, ruffleling it up, making her moan internally. "Now you look like you have been up to no good".
She strutted out into the warm evening air, trying to look like she just needed a bit of fresh air after sex, the idea making her involuntarily feel a bit hot.
Suddenly she heard a light footfall behind her, and she felt Tom's long arms around her body, she leaned into him, whispering. "And what exactly do you think you are doing ?"
"Removing any doubt in their mind". He whisperede back, she suddenly felt, that his pants were gone to, he was wearing only his boxers.
If she for a moment forgot that she hated him, this was actually nice, his strong arm around her and his warm body against her felt really good, and she smiled happily.
His mouth was caressing her neck softly, his fingers trailing up and down her tights, stopping every time they reached the hem of the shirt, sending little jolts through her.
Suddenly his fingers didn't stop, but slid up under the shirt, she gasped when he grabbed her hips, turning her to face him, his eyes burning into hers.
"Or we could just give them a full show". His voice hoarse and his breathing shallow, Melina wanted to say no, but she couldn't, and then he was kissing her.
Melina was about to protest, he couldn't kiss her like that, it wasn't part of the deal, but oh God his lips felt so good against hers, she hadn't even realised that she was kissing him back.
His hands slid down to her ass, pulling her against him, and then he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and her brain had a total meltdown.
She literally jumped him, folding her legs around his hips, he only took a slight step back, catching her, her hands grabbing his neck, kissing him greedily.
He carried her into the bedroom, her hands entwined in his hair, she was moaning against his mouth, her entire body on fire, wanting for his touch, totally drowning out her brain screaming at her to stop.
She hadn't even realised that he was unbuttoning the shirt before it fell to the floor.
Tom laid her gently on the bed and she looked up at him, her eyes heavy with lust, her breathing shallow, she was so going to regret this in the morning, but rigth now she just couldn't care.
She grabbed the hem of his boxers, pulling him down on top of her, her hands all over him, kissing him hard and wanting.
"Are you sure Melina, do you really want to do this". His voice low in her ear.
She nodded feverishly, her whole body squirming, and she felt that it wouldn't take much for her to become totally unhinged. "Yes I do, I want you so badly, right now".
"It was exactly what I wanted to hear darling, thanks, but no thanks though". He pulled away from her, getting of the bed.
Melina blinked, trying to get her head back into gear, what the hell was he doing ? Seriously had he done this just to be able to humiliate her by turning her down ? She screamed angrily.
"I fucking hate you, you stupid ass, and I freaking don't care if they fire me, this is over". She threw her bedside lamp at him, it shattered when he ducked and winked at her before getting out of her bedroom, his clothes over his arm.
She contemplated running after him, but what would she get from yelling at him ? Nothing but him knowing how much he got to her.
Actually she mostly just wanted to curl up and cry, she had just started not to hate him, he had seemed so honest and caring when they were talking in the kitchen, but then he pulled a stunt like that.
She would tell Gertrude the next morning, this deal was off, they could say whatever they wanted, she wouldn't pretend to like that idiot for one more second.

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