Pissing of his territory

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It was Monday morning, the day Simon Smith was going to arrive on set and Melina was walking to her trailer, but when she passed the little on site outdoor gym she stopped and stared.
She had to be seeing things, maybe this was one of the signs of the apocalypse ? Because it couldn't be Tom working out. Beside his morning run, the closest thing to a work out she had seen him do was watching tennis on tv. He was always very energetic, but he didn't seem like the gym type.
But it was him and he was doing pull ups only wearing a pair of black shorts, Melina bit her lip and forgot where she was going, his arms were actually quite impressive when he flexed them like that.
The sweat was running down his chest and stomach, Melina blinked and tried to focus, then Tom jumped down and spotted her and she blushed, there was no hiding that she had been enjoying the view.
"Morning my beautiful". He walked over, the smile on his face made her uneasy it was a smile that usually meant he was up to something.
She really hated it, but she had an exceptionally hard time keeping her eyes on his face right now. "Morning Tom, you are working out ?"
"Yup". He answered, like it was just part of his normal daily routine, then he suddenly grabbed her, pulling her into his bare and sweaty chest and before she could react he was kissing her
It was so frustrating that she couldn't just push him away, even though they where on set and they didn't have to pretend there, it would still raise suspicion if she pushed him away.
She quickly forgot that she wanted to push him away, his lips hypnotised her and he smelled of both sweat and his usual enticing scent, a mixture that made her mind run vild rabbit trails of dirty thoughts.
He let her go and smiled a little to happy with himself, then he nodded to someone behind her and said in a friendly tone. "Well hallo Simon, didn't see you there".
Tom dried his hand of before shaking hands with Simon Smith, then he kissed Melina on the cheek. "Se you on set darling".
Melina just stood there, her mouth hanging slightly open, staring after him, had he seriously just marked her as his territory in front of Simon ?
"Hi, I have been so excited to meat you, I am Simon". He extendes his hand to her.
Melina shook of Tom's display of testoterone and smiled friendly, grabbing his hand. "Hi Simon, so happy to meet you, I am Melina".
"Oh I know, I just loved the first season and I can't wait for the next season to start". He said smiling excitedly.
She smiled back, he seemed really nice. "Thank you so much, I actually watch you show too, it is very exciting".
"Do you really ? Wow thank you, I am so happy to hear that". He was actually blushing and Melina felt a bit weird that her praise could mean so much to someone else, especially someone who was getting quite famous himself.
"Come on, let me show you down to make-up and wardrobe, there is a lot of women down there just dying to meet you". She said winking at him.
He smiled a bit insecure but followed her, then he said. "So it is true about you and Tom I see".
"Yeah, I guess I can't run from that". She answered, Tom had made quite a point of establishing that.
He sendt her an apologetic glance and said with a little grin. "I hope it is okay for me to say this, but I totally get you, he is so cute and relly sexy".
Melina almost snorted with laughter, but hid it with a cough. Fuck he was gay, that would leave quite a lot of women disappointed. "Yeah he is, when he is not a total fuck up".
"Was I getting the message right ? Was he making sure I knew you are his ?" He looked at her with a sly smile.
Melina nodded and grinned. "Oh yeah, I guess he feels a bit threatened by your abs, he is used to all the women on set swooning for him, I think he might be getting a bit jealous".
"Well as you might have guessed, he don't have anything to fear from me, maybe except for a slap on that hot ass maybe". He said grinning.
Melina giggled at the idea and said. "Oh you are so very welcome to do so, actually I think you and me are going to have so much fun this week".

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