He beat her to it

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Melina sat in her car, planning how to tell Gertrude. She had to get her to understand that this simply wasn't going to work, they had to play it of as a short affair in the media.
Victoria had called three times, but she just couldn't deal with her right now. She didn't quite know how to explain the pictures taken of them on her balcony, they couldn't be waved of as just friends that was sure.
And she knew Anni would be back to work today, wanting an explanation, she was the only one you knew their history, and she probably wouldn't buy the hoax, but she should be allowed to tell her the truth at least.
She parked in front of the studio, she didn't want to see Tom, she was afraid she couldn't control her anger, but she saw his car there, so he must have gotten in early.
Melina still didn't understand what had happened, yes Tom could be a jerk and he was quite impossible, but he had really crossed the line this time.
She couldn't believe she had fallen for that, if she could just contain herself, this would have never happened, what was that by the way ? She hated him, but still, she literally jumped him and offered herself to him, it had to be the wine talking.
"Gertrude I need to speak with you, it is important". Melina had finally found their producer, and was still wondering how to best tell what had happened.
Gertrude turned and looked at her. "It is quite alright Melina, Tom has already told me everything".
"Has he told you everything ?" Melina looked confused, what had he said ? Had he said something about her ?
Gertrude sighed. "Yeah I ran into him and asked what the hell the two of you were doing on that balcony, he told me about your idea with the shirt".
"Well yeah, that was my idea. I just thought it was time to give them a little more, that it would have been natural if we had been in a relationship". She smiled uncertain.
Gertrude nodded. "The idea was actually good, we would just had liked to be warned, but they are drawing up the official press release right now, we are making official later today".
"Well about that Getrude, are you sure this is a good idea ? Maybe we should forget about this ?" Melina held her breath.
Gertrude looked at her. "Tom told me sweetie, he is so very sorry, and he promise it wont happen again, he let himself get to involved in the part".
"He told you ?" Melina was even more confused, it didn't make any sence, what had he told her ? He couldn't have told the truth or could he ?
Gertrude nodded. "Yes he told me he kind of got caught up in the situation and stepped over your boundaries, but you turned him down and asked him to leave, and he was happy about that, that someone kept their head straight".
"Uh he said what ?" Melina shook her head with confusion, why had he said that she turned him down ? What would he gain from that ?
"That he came on to you, isn't that what happened ?" Now it was Getrudes turn to look confused.
Melina didn't really know what to say, it was easier to just go with his story. "Yeah I guess it is, I am just surprised he told you".
"As I said, he was really sorry and by the way I can tell you it is working, everyone loved you at the premier yesterday, you are the new it couple". Gertrude smiled.
Melina couldn't really put her foot down now demanding to end this, he had caught her in a trap by talking to Gertrude first and twist the story, but she just didn't get why he would make it like he was to blame. He could have blamed her.
"Okay, I guess I am happy to hear that, I better get to make-up now". Melina hurried away, not knowing what and how to feel.
She only got halfway there before running into a wide eyed Anni. "Melina what the hell is going on ? I take two days of and suddenly you are dating Tom, I thought you hated him ?"
"It is fake Anni, nothing but a showmance, and I do hate him, but I was told the show needed the publicity, so please don't tell anyone". Melina sighed.
Anni looked at her, clearly needing an answer. "What about those pictures from your balcony, I saw them online, that looked pretty hot and definitely not like someone faking anything, unless you are making a porn, what happened ?"
"A big mistake, another of Tom's little ways of torturing me, but it ended up in nothing luckily, is it okay that I really don't wanna talk about it ?" She smiled apologetically.
"Of course sweetie, but remember, if you need to talk or to yell at someone when you can't yell at him, you just come down to me". Anni said smiling before hurrying away.
Melina pulled out her phone while sitting in make-up and send a message to Victoria. > If you wanna be the first better hurry, official press release later today, so you can quote me and say, that yes we are together <
Shortly after she got a message back > Okay thank you darling, but you and I need to get lunch and have a serious talk about your choices <

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