What does Tom say ?

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"What am I to do mom ? Fuck I can't have a baby right now and what is Tom going to say ?" Melina sat down, her face in her hands.
Her mother squatted down in front of her and folded her arms around her. "It is going to be okay honey, no matter what, you are going to make it".
"Thank you mom. How did you know what to do when you got pregnant with me ?" She looked at her mother.
Her mother gently pushed a strain of hair behind her ear. "I sat down and imagined how I would feel 10 years down the line, and I realised that I had know idea if I kept you, but if I got an abortion I would have so many unanswered questions and I didn't want that".
"Sounds sensible, but I have to talk to Tom, it is not my choice alone and I don't even know if he want kids". She sighed and got up.
It was just such a bad timing, Tom was literally on his way out the door to go to San Diego and she wouldn't see him before saturday, but she couldn't wait so long to tell him.
Her mother got up to. "You better go tell him then, he is leaving soon isn't he ?"
Melina nodded and breathed in deeply before walking upstairs, what was he going to say ? This was way to soon, but she couldn't change that, what would this do to their relationship ?
"Tom are you up ?" She walked into the bedroom, he wasn't there, but just then he walked out from the bathroom, his hair still damp from the shower, he was pulling a T-shirt on.
He smiled when he saw her, but his voice had a hint of concern. "Good morning love, is something wrong ? You look so worried".
"We need to talk Tom". She breathed in deeply, trying to calm herself, how should she tell him ?
He looked at his watch. "And this can't wait ? No I can see that it can't, even though I should be out the door now".
"I am sorry, I know it's really bad timing and I know you are busy, but you are right, it can't wait". She sat down on the bed.
He came over to her, looking worried. "I always have time for you, but you are making me quite nervous now".
"Do you remember the evening we premiered the new season ?" She looked up at him.
He nodded. "Of course, that was the best night of my life, the night you finally gave in and we went back here and ..".
"Yup and we kind of forgot something important. I am pregnant Tom". She looked nervously at him.
He went pale and swallowed and she feared for a moment that he would simply walk away, he looked like someone who wanted to run. "Oh fuck, shit I don't know what to say".
"I don't know what to do Tom, it wasn't exactly what I was imagining should happen now". She said unhappily.
He sat down next to her on the bed and grabbed her hand. "We are going to make this work love, I am going to be here no matter what you want to do ?"
"Thank you, I think I need to think about this". She leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder.
He gently caressed her cheek. "I really wished I could stay, but I have to go, are you going to be okay darling ?"
"I understand, you better get going, I have my mother and I see you on saturday". She sent him a reassuring smile, but her inside was in turmoil.
She wanted to beg him to stay, demand that he didn't leave her, but she knew that wouldn't be fair. She just needed him more than ever right now.
She walked him downstairs and he hug her mother, who for once knew to keep her mouth shut, clearly feeling that it wasn't the right time for congratulations.
Melina walked with him to the car, he put in his bag and then pulled her into him. "I love you Melina and we are going to get through this together okay ? I call you when I get there".
He kissed her softly, then he got in the car and drove off. Melina walked back inside, feeling like she was going to cry.

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