Script changes and a kiss

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It was the next morning and Melina was getting a cup of coffee with Anni. She was looking through the new pages for that day. She had only just gotten them because of changes.

"I don't believe it, they just think they can hand me new pages in the morning and expect me to learn it in like half an hour". She said annoyed, flipping through the script.

Anni looked down into her cup. "Yeah, but they had to write Tom into the episode I guess".

"I hoped he was just having a guest role, a cameo hopefully as a monster, so I got to kill him". She said smiling at the thought.

Anni rolled her eyes. "Okay you really hate him, remind me to never get on your bad side".

Melina sighted, she knew she was kind of coming of as a bitch. "Believe me, you would hate him to if your were me".

She found the changes in the script, it was just one scene in the end of the episode, Tom was making his entrance and. "Oh fuck, seriously ? They can't do this to me".

"What ? What is can be bad ?" Anni was looking insecure, she was obviously not feeling good about Melina being so hot headed all of a sudden.

It was the one thing she had feared the most, and the very last thing she wanted to do. "He has to kiss me".

"You two wouldn't happen to talk about me ?" Tom's voice was teasing, Melina hadn't heard him coming, and almost jumped of her chair.

"Hi Tom, Melina is just learning the new lines". Anni said shyly, glancing up at him.

He send her a flashing grin, that made her blush. "Well good morning Anni, so nice to see a friendly face".

"You know I kind of hoped they had cast you as a vampire, then I could put a stake through your heart, that would be fun". Melina said sweetly and got up.

Tom sent her a rather acidic smile. "Oh I believe that, after all that is something you are quite experienced at".

She snorted scornfully. "Okay, we can say that, if that makes you sleep better at night, then be my guest".

"Hey do you think you can handle me kissing you this time ? Or should I keep a condom ready if you decide to jump me ?" Tom's voice was provoking.

Anni put a hand over her mouth in chok and Melina saw red, who the hell did he think he was ? Without thinking her hand slapped at his face, but he was prepared and caught her wrist.

"Oh hell no, the last time you hit me so hard I was bleeding". He was staring at her and she was angrily glaring back, then she saw the right side of his mouth start to twist up into a mischievous grin.

She could see he was finding this funny and she just had time to think, Oh no he is not, then he pulled hard on her arm, making her fly into his arms, his other arm snaking around her waist, and then he was kissing her.

Melina was stiff as a statue, she heard Anni gasp, she wanted to push him away, to hit him hard, but then he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, biting teasingly at it, and her brain just short circuited.

She was kissing him back, her hands instantly in his hair, she heard herself moan against his soft mouth.

"Yeah exactly as I thought, oh I am looking so much forward to that scene". When he let go of her, he made sure to jump out of her way pretty fast, which was a good idea, as she tried to kick him.

He walked away laughing, Melina threw her script after him, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Fuck of, I freaking hate you... you asshole".

Melina wanted to scream and kick at things right now, but people was kind of starting to look at her in a strange way.

"Come on, let's go somewhere else". Anni handed her back her script, she had picked it up.

They walked away from the outside dining area, Melina's heart was still pounding and she was red hot angry with him.

Anni looked at her nervously as if she expected her to explode. "Melina, you have to tell what that was about what the hell happened between you two ?"

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