Tom's powers and a new man in town

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"Are you absolutely sure that there is nothing between you two ?" Anni was looking at Melina wanting a honest answer.
She looked up from changing into her costume. "Anni seriously ? You know I hate him, of course there is nothing between us, nothing we ain't forced into at least".
"And you are sure you hate him ? Because that is not the main feeling I get between you two, it is more like some sexual electricity". Anni said with a sly smile.
She did hate him, didn't she ? Okay hate might be a harsh word, sometimes he could be quite sweet, sensitive and charming, whe he forgot to be a total asshat.
And she couldn't deny the sexual attraction, his comment at the breakfast had gotten right to her ovaries. "Promise you won't tell a soul ? Especially not Tom, his head would just blow up".
"Of course Melina, you know you can trust trust me". Anni looked at her curiously and handed her at top to put on.
She sighed. "He is driving me crazy okay ? The night on the balcony, he had me begging for him to fuck me, then told me no thank you and left".
"Seriously ? That was a shitty think to do". Anni looked like she was feeling sorry for her.
Melina put on her shoes. "It is ridiculous that he can still affect me like that, worst thing is that I know he can wrap me around his little finger if he wants to, I fear this could end up a real mess".
"So you would have sex with him even though you kind of hate him ? Maybe you should just do it, you know fuck him, get it out of your body get the power back". Anni shrugged.
"Anni ! No I am not going to have sex with him, I would regret it so much the next day, no I am happy he don't know he holds that kind of power". Melina shook her head.
She opened the door and send Anni a last smile. "Well I better get on set, see you soon".
Melina walk of, deep in her own thoughts, not noticing Tom leaning against the wall outside the costume department, right beside the open window.
When they were all on set, Gertrude came to announce another big action they had pulled to get more viewers, it was a cross over episode with a popular new cop show and the star Simon Smith would be on set the next week.
"Ohh Simon he is so hot and that body". Anni looked like a child on Christmas morning.
Melina smiled. "Well he is not bad looking at all and those abs, who wouldn't want to run their hands over those".
"Bah he is a freaking Ken doll, is that seriously what woman wants ?" Tom had appeared next to them.
They looked at each other and giggled, guess someone might be a bit jealous and they both said. "Oh yes it is".
Tom looked like he was going to get sick and Melina shook her head, he just felt his spot as the favorit man on set threatened.
Everyone on set, especially the women, was buzzing about Simon all week and Melina could help feeling chuffed at how much this seemed to annoy Tom, oh yes he was feeling threatened.
"Uh I like the new script, it seems that I get to kiss the handsome Simon and quite a lot". Melina said grinning like a loon, as she looked over the new script.
Tom literally ripped the script from her hand, looking through it. "What, they can't do that".
"Why not ?" Melina looked at him questioning, the last couple of days he had been on his best behaviour, so what was this suddenly about ?
He was chewing on his lip. "You said it yourself, you character is not like that, that she wouldn't let some guy swipe in and kiss her".
"Ah so you are worried about my characters integrity and innocence, how sweet of you Tom, but looking at Simon, I think she is going to be okay with this". She said teasing.
Tom threw her script on the table in front of her and walked away, while mumbling something to himself she couldn't quite hear.
Melina shook her head, sometimes she just didn't get him, couldn't really understand what the hell happened inside that big head of his.

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