Prayers and dreams

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"What did he say honey ?" Her mother looked at her a little worried and impatient for an answer when she came back into the kitchen.
Melina sat down on a chair. "I think it was kind of a big shock, I don't teally think he feel ready, but he promised we would get through this no matter what".
"He seems like a good man sweetie, but it is terribly fast and I get it if he is overwhelmed". Her mother poured her a cup of tea.
Melina gratefully sipped the tea. "I just don't know what to do, I fear this will tear us apart no matter what I choose".
"Honey I know this is gonna sound somewhat egoistical and feministic, but you have to make your choice, the right one for you, the one you can live with and then he has to make his". Her mother looked at her seriously.
Melina nodded, her mother was rigth, even though it was hard to realise, but was she ready for a baby ? And what if it meant loosing Tom ?
On the other hand, she had never been a fan of abortions unless there was a really good reason and she didn't feel that their mistake was a good enough reason, they were after all both adults and had a stable enough economy to care for a baby.
And what about their careers ? She should be able to finish this season before she was showing to much, but what about next season, could it wait for her to be ready ?
But a baby fit a lot better with doing a tv show than with an a-list movie career, she was filming in the same place most of the time, and coming home every night, she could even bring a baby on the set.
Tom called her a couple of hours later to tell he had arrived safely, once again reassuring her that it was going to be okay, but he sounded on the verge of a breakdown.
Melina asked him to look after him self and reminded him they had plenty of time to figure out what to do, she was worried about him, he sounded so miserable.
Tom called again in the evening, but he sounded so exhausted, that Melina told him to go to bed after talking only a short time.
She nearly didn't sleep that noght, but tossed and turned and changed her mind constantly, when she got up next morning she wasn't any closer to a decision.
She was on set all day and had a hard time focusing, she debated whether to tell Anni, but she didn't know what to say, and couldn't handle the thought of being congratulated.
When Melina went to bed, she did something she hadn't done for years, she closed her eyes and prayed, prayed for a sign of what to do.
She was so tired after not having slept the whole noght before and fell asleep almost instantly.

Melina looked around, she was in a big rural garden, there was palm trees and she was pretty sure she was somewhere in the LA area, but she didn't recognise the place.
She looked up at the house, it was a big beautiful ranch style house, what was she doing here ? She walked towards the house, but then she heard a small voice call behond her. "Wait mommy, wait for me".
Melina turned around to see a girl about 4 years old come running towards her, she was dressed in a white summer dress and had a bouquet of wild flowers in her small hand.
She squatted down and held out her arms, her little girl running right into her embrace and Melina svung her around in the air.
"I got these flowers for you mommy". She held the bouquet out towards her in her little hand.
Melina accepted the flowers with a smile and kissed her forehead. "Thank you so much my darling".
She looked at her daughter, she was the most stunning little girl she ever saw, she had Tom's blue eyes, his beautiful smile and his soft curls but Melinas golden blonde hair.

Melina sat up in bed, she smiled happily to herself, and now she knew, that no matter what she was keeping the baby, their beautiful little girl.
Melina felt so much better after having made the decision, the was absolutely certain that it was right for her, but she didn't share with anyone yet, Tom had to make his choice first.
They talked on the phone every night, but she wanted to tell him face to face and she didn't press him to make any kind of decision yet, she knew he needed some space.
She would be devastated if he choose to leave, but she knew she would get through it, she had her little girl to keep her going, after the dream she was certain it was a girl.
Friday she drove her mother to the airport, promising to call her as soon as the decision was made and agreeing to hug Tom from her.

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