What happened part 1

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Could she tell Anni ? She guess she could, she was her friend, and she trusted her not to gossip about it.

1,5 years ago:
"Wow this is crazy, are you serious ? You are not pulling my leg are you ?" Melina was looking at her friend Victoria big huge eyes.

Victoria smiled, showing her big white teeth, pushing her dark curls behind her ear. "It is totally serious, no leg pulling, my uncle is the director and my father is the producer".

"But why me ? How did you get them to say yes ?" Melina had just arrived in LA a couples of days earlier, she was spending half a year with her pen-pal Victoria, whom she had known for 10 years.

Melina was dreaming about becoming an actress, and Victoria had just told her, that she had gotten her a small part in a Tv movie, no audition needed or nothing, could she be so lucky ?

"I heard them talk about it the day before you arrived, they were desperate to find a pretty young girl for the part, so I just showed them your youtube videos, do you love me ?" Victoria grinned.

Melina grinned back. "Oh yes, I love you so very dearly, I thought I would have to fight like hell just to get an audition, and now you just hands me a part in a movie".

"You are welcome, but you are just perfect for this, they needed someone very young looking, but who was over 18, preferably over 21, as there is a pretty hot scene in it, I hope you are okay with that". Victoria said.

Melina was 23 years old, but looked younger, and knew she could easily look really young if she wanted to, might have something to do with her typical Danish blond hair and big blue eyes.

She didn't have to give it much thought. "It is a part of it, and it is not really real is it, just make believe".

"You know kisses in movies are real now right ? No 50ties fake kissing". Victoria said grinning and Melina hit her shoulder, sticking out her tongue, of course she knew.

Victoria grabbed her phone, sending a text. "I promised da we would meet him for dinner if you said yes, they are a little short on time".

"Okay, I hope he doesn't get disappointed when he meets me". What if he didn't want to use her after all when he met her ?

Victoria smiled. "He won't, but aren't you the least curious about who you get to have you first on screen make out session with ?"

"Well yes, but I probably don't know him, it is just a tv movie after all". Melina hoped it wasn't someone she knew, it would be much easier with someone totally unknown.

"Oh you are so lucky, it is Tom Hiddleston, my uncle knows him personally". Victoria looked like she expected some kind of reaction.

Melina tried to put a face to the name, but she couldn't quite do it, she shook her head. "Uhh the name sounds familiar, but I can't remember what he looks like".

"Seriously Melina, he is so hot, have you never seen Thor or avengers ? He plays Loki". Victoria was looking slightly disappointed.

Melina remembered what what he looked like in the role, but she hadn't paid much attention to him, she had been busy looking at Chris Hemsworth. "I have some slight idea of what he looks like, you know without the the emo God look".

"Well if daddy had allowed me to, I would have taken that role, just to get to kiss those lips, so you better tell me everything". Victoria said with a wink. "By the way we are meeting daddy at 8 o'clock".

The meeting with Victoria's father went well, he was a nice man, and told her that they were very grateful she agreed to help, as they were already shooting the movie and kind of needed her now.

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