Comic con

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Saturday morning she finally left for San Diego she was going to see Tom again and she hoped he had gotten over the first shock.
They had a comic con panel later around midday Saturday for the show, they were both going to be on it with the director and a couple of other actors and then she had promised Tom to be on his Nerd HQ panel sunday as a surprise. zachary Levi who held Nerd HQ had loved the idea.
She was sad that she didn't get a chance to see Tom before the panel for the show. But he was busy over at the marvel panel and she had promised to do an autograph session.
The comic con panel was supervised and she knew they only allowed questions about the show.
But she was a bit nervous about the panel with Zachary on sunday, he refused to moderate the questions and there were bound to come some personal ones for her and Tom.
Lately there had been some rumours about their relationship being fake, which were kind of funny as everybody had believed it when it was a showmance.
The autograph session went well, people were nice and security tried to get as many as possible through, leaving little time to chatter.
In the end she started feeling a bit sick, she was getting dizzy and her stomach hurt, but she hadn't really eaten and the room was quite hot, and she thought that was the reason.
"Melina". Tom came running over when he spotted her, pulling her into his arms, and she snuggled into his chest, damn she had missed him.
She kissed him gently. "You look exhausted sweetie, haven't you got enough sleep while you've been here ?"
"No, I have been slammed and at night I have had a hard time relaxing. I have been thinking and thinking, and to be honest I am scared out of my mind. I don't know if I am ready to be a father". He looked devastated.
She nodded. "I understand, it is way to soon, but I have made up my mind. I have a responsibility towards her, so I have to become ready in the next 7-8 months. But Tom, don't feel pressured to do anything, you have to decide on the right thing for you to do okay ?" She kept the facade, but inside she felt her heart break, realising he wasn't ready for this.
They were called on stage and he grabbed her hand, gently pulling her with him onto the stage, sitting down at the table.
While she was trying to concentrate on the panel and answering the questions, she started feeling worse. She was sweating and the room started spinning, she tried drinking some water.
Tom was looking quite concerned, he had answered her questions several times because she didn't react.
Suddenly Melina felt a sharp pain in her stomach and she knew something was wrong, she got up knocking over her water and microphone.
Tom flew to her side, supporting her out backstage, his voice a scared whisper. "What is happening love ? Is something wrong ?"
"The baby, I think I am losing her". She could feel the warm sticky blood between her thighs now and the tears started running down her face.
"Oh shit". Tom grabbed someone and asked him get an ambulance to the back entrance right away, then he swept her up into his arms and carried her out.
The ambulance arrived as they got out and Tom gently put her down on the stretcher, explaining the situation to the paramedics.
He was allowed to go with her in the ambulance and he kept her hand in his, she looked up at him. "Tom you don't have to come, I know you have a lot to do here, so stay".
"Melina, sorry but shut up, the hell I am going to leave you, someone else just has to take care of the panel and other stuff. I am staying right here". He squeezed her hand, then he got his phone out with his other hand, calling to tell that he wasn't coming back.
Melina writhed in pain and Tom lokkede at the paramedic, he had tears streaming down his face. "Please do something".
The paramedic looked at Melina and was about to say something, then he looked at the stretcher and looked shocked. He called out to the driver. "We got a code red, she is bleeding to much".
Melina heard the siren start she was so very tired, she just wanted to sleep. But why was Tom looking so scared ? And why was he crying ? She couldn't focus, so she just let herself drift of to sleep.

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