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"Seriously I start to regret getting you two together". Anni was cradling her head, sighing with resignation.
It was about a week later and they were all having lunch, but Melina hadn't had a single bite yet, because Tom was constantly kissing her or tickling her or touching her in some other way.
Melina got up to go get something to drink, but Tom grabbed her pulling her onto his lap, she was straddling his leg facing him, and she kissed him giggling.
"Uhg you two are like really cute, but please get a room or go to your trailer or something for Gods sake, but I will return to work, and don't be late this time". Anni got up and left.
Melina ran her hands through his hair and asked. "Are we really that bad ? Are we becoming one of those couple people hate being around ?"
"Hmm maybe a little bit sometimes, if you ask someone else I guess". He said grinning, kissing her warmly.
She kind of knew, but she was in a bubble right now, feeling like a teenager in love, finding it hard to keep her hands of him for any extented period of time, which sometimes made filming hard.
Luckily it wasn't just her, he was at least at bad, if not worse, the number of hours they had been apart the last week could be counted on one hand.
"We better get going, we don't wanna be late again". She tried to get up, but he pulled her back, kissing her one last time.
"I guess you are right, we are not getting popular if we are not back on time". He grabbed her hand pulling her with him to make-up.
When they entered the costume department a little later Anni look at the in surprise. "Wow I am impressed, you are actually on time".
"Oh Anni, we haven't been late that much, only a couple of times". Tom said smiling sweetly.
Anni send him a knowing glare. "Oh yeah only every time you take your break in your trailer, which is pretty much every time there is a break, and no I don't wanna know what you are doing to her, we have all heard you".
"Are you sure ? I could give you some really kinky details". Melina said teasingly, making Anni cover her ears glaring at her disapprovingly.
Anni handed them some clothes and said sternly. "Tom you go change in the back and Melina changes in here, I don't want any fooling around".
"I get an inkling that she doesn't trust us to behave". Tom said grinning, slapping Melina on the ass before going to the back to change.
Melina looked at Anni apologetic. "Sorry, you have to tell me if its to much, I promise to keep him in line".
"As if, you can't help it. It is fine Melina, I am just happy seeing you both so happy. I just have a limit, but I guess it will wear down in time". Anni said grinning.
Melina shrugged, she was probably right, she just couldn't imagine not wanting to kiss and tuch him constantly.
They tried hard to be professional on set, but Melina was very much aware that she was making more mistakes, often because she got distracted by something Tom said or did and she forgot what to say.
At least she could hide behind forgetting her lines, Tom on the other hand, was driving everyone crazy including her at times, because he would just grab her or kiss her in the middle of a scene if they where to close.
They were standing close together examining an ornate knive dropped by a vampire, and Melina saw how Tom's focus shifted from the knife to her lips, knowing he would soon forget he was actually doing a scene and kiss her instead.
She ended up getting so distracted by this, that she forgot what she was supposed to say.
The director yelled cut and stamp his foot on the ground angrily, making Melina feel bad, she had to focus when she was working, she had the rest of the day to be with Tom.
While the director had his back turned complaning, she grabbed Tom and kissed him, then she whispered. "If we make less mistakes, we get done faster and we can get home a lot quicker to do something much more fun".
A dazzling smile spread on his face and she feared she had only made him even more distracted, but it actually seemed to work and the rest of the day went alot better.

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