Things mom shouldn't mention

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"Mom you and I are going to have a talk right now". Melina walked back imto the kitchen and looked at her mother sternly.
Her mother looked up from her glass of wine. "Yes of course my dear, we can talk about everything you want to talk about. But I just have to tell you, I really like Tom, he is sweet, charming and not at all bad on the eyes".
"Yeah mom I kind of noticed, you were flirting with him for Gods sake, he didn't know what to do". Melina glared at her mother.
Her mother looked surpriced. "Oh I did ? I am so sorry honey, I didn't meant to, I sometimes just do that without thinking".
"I know and I know he is irresistible, but please just take it back a notch will you ?" She poured herself a glass of wine.
Her mother sighed. "Of course baby, I will try to really think about it, he wouldn't happen to have an single brother ?"
"Sorry mom, only sisters and they are both married. His father is single, but to old for your taste". Melina said grinning.
Her mother took another sip of wine. "At least you have inherited my good taste in men and he clearly loves you, he couldn't keep his hands or eyes of you".
"Mooom, but yeah, he is kind of perfect right ?" Melina sighed, it was actually nice to be able to talk girls stuff, Anni didn't want to hear anything and Victoria gossipped for a living.
Her mother grabbed her hand. "Melina I am so happy for you, he seems like a good man and I actually think the age difference is a positive thing for you, so you have my blessings".
"Thank you mom, I am happy that you like him, because I think this could become really serious". Melina said happily.
Her mother was looking at her. "Now don't get angry with me, but is every part of you relationship perfekt ? Because we women have a tendency to think that love is enough, but believe if it doesn't work in the bedroom, it will only get worse".
"Mom seriously ? Did you just ask me if my sex life is satisfying ? But if you really need to know, it is more than that, okay ?" Melina said blushing.
Her mother laughed. "Don't be shy darling, there is nothing embarrassing about sex, it is very important to be open about it, but I could see that he is a great kisser".
"Mom I know you are very open about all this, but I am not so much okay ? Hey how do you know he is a great kisser ? Because he most definitely is". She looked at her mother for an answer.
Her mother poured another glass of wine. "Sweetie that is just something your learn to spot with age, little things you learn to see, just like I am ready to bet that you ain't complaining about size".
"Oh God mom, you just didn't comment on his size.." Melina knew her face was the colour of a tomato and she hurriedly poured more wine.
Her mother just smiled knowingly. "Don't be such a prude, but I am right ain't I ? I mean he is rather tall, and he has some seriously big hands and feet, the rest got to fit".
"Moom, Tom is coming back later, and then I don't wanna hear anything like this understood ? But yes you are right, are you happy now ?" Melina emptied her glass.
Melina started asking her mother if she hadn't met anyone, and she had been dating but nothing serious.
When Tom came back a couple of hours later, Melina almost threw herself into his arms. "Save me, my mother seriously has no boundaries, she wants to talk about everything".
"I will protect you love". He said, pulling her into him, kissing her in a way that just made everything seem better.
She looked up at him. "I talked to my mother, she is not aware that she is doing it, but she has promised to try and stop the flirting, and I am kicking her if she does".
"Thank you, I definitely prefer that you flirt with me, not your mother". He said, pulling her with him to the living-room.
Her mother looked up at them, she had a glass of wine in her hand. "Well hallo again Tom, ain't you two just adorable".
"Thank you mom, better slow down with the wine, we don't want you drunk". Melina said.
They spent the evening talking and playing cards and Melina only had to kick her mother twice, when she shortly forgot her manners towards Tom.

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