The truth be told

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Melina was standig in front of her mirror, getting herself ready for the party. She was wearing a long black dress in some shiny leather like fabric, it had a long slid in the side. The top was fittet, and seemed to be bound around her body, leaving peek holes at the waist and across the chest. She thought it was rather sexy but not sleazy.
She had curled her blonde hair, letting it fall down around her shoulders, to even out the dress and soften up her look, and she wore a pair of high black stilettos.
Tom was going to pick her up soon and suddenly she felt nervous and insecure, not knowing how to act around him, Anni's words stuck with her, and she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
She was suddenly very aware that they had been acting more and more like a reel couple, she didn't really know why, it wasn't something they had talked about, it has just happened, and it kind of feelt natural.
When she heard Tom's jaguar she hurried downstairs and opened the door just as he was going to knock. She smiled. "Hi Tom".
"Hi". He was standing with his hand raised, just about to knock and looked surpriced, but then his face lighted up in one of those smiles that might actually make flowers bloom. Or at least she was sure he was capable of doing so.
His eyes ran down her body, and she posed and twirled with a grin, he made a small impressed sound. "Wow, you look simply amazing".
"Thank you, you don't look to shappy yourself". She looked at him, he was in a light grey three piece suit with a black shirt and a checkered tie.
He was looking at her, and something about the way his eyes caught hers, made her stomach erupted in butterflies, and she kicked herself, reminding herself that she couldn't trust him, then she grabbed his hand. "Let's go".
Tom opened the car door for her with his free hand, and she slid into the seat, letting go of his hand, she liked his car, it fit him well.
"What's up with Anni by the way ? She has been looking at me weird lately". He glanced at her as he pulled the car into traffic.
Melina bit her lip and looked out the window. "She has ? I hadn't really notised". She was afraid if telling him would make him think she agreed.
"Hmm she looks like she is biting her tongue constantly not to say something, well I bet she is coming tonight, so I just ask her". He was focused on traffic while talking.
She sighed, Anni wouldn't hold back if he asked. "No don't, she just has this silly idea that there is something between us, but that none of us will admit it".
"Yeah that would be a silly idea, she knows very well that you hate me". He said it like he was joking, but his face looked sincere.
There it was again, a sneaking suspicion, that something was hiding just beneath the surface. "I don't hate you Tom, not anymore, at least not all the time. But it doesn't mean that I have forgiven you".
He looked like he was trying to find the right words to say, but instead he just sighed and Melina went back to gazing out the window.
When they arrived, he came around the car and opened her door, he grabbed her hand and tossed the keys to the valet with a smile. "Well lets get this show on the road".
Melina laced her fingers through his and flashed him a smile, the fans expected them to be madly in love, so they better look the part.
The tv station had put up big screens, so people could come to see their idols and still catch the season premiere live, and a lot of people had shown up.
She had to give it to him. Tom knew how to cater to the fans, he lifted her arm and twirled her three times, his other arm grabbing her waist and dipping her.
When he pulled her back up, she ended in his arms and his lips caught hers in a kiss that weren't innocent at all and left her flushed and somewhat breathless.
When the were safe inside she looked at him sternly. "Why do you always have to overdo everything Tom ?"
"They loved it, didn't they ? And isn't that why we are doing this ?" He looked at her with raised eyebrows and she just shook her head.
Anni came over, she looked very much like a woman on a mission and grabbed Melinas arm. "Come with me, I have something very important to tell you".
"Okay calm down". She sent Tom an apologetic look and shrugged before following Anni.
Anni pulled her to a quiet corner and looked at her. "Sorry for being dramatic, but I have checked up on something, and I think you want to know".
"What is it Anni ?" Melina was getting curious and just a bit nervous, what was this about ?
Anni smiled at her. "I am so tired of seeing you pulling that old thing in between you two, so I have checked some facts and maybe you should have let him explain back then, because you really has no reason for hating him".
"What are you talking about Anni ?" Melina just didn't get it, he had admittet himself that he was married.
Anni pulled out her phone and showed her the screen. "Look at this, you finish shooting in late March right ? His wife had left him back in december, that is 4 months before he was with you, he was already separated and the papers got signed shortly after, so technically he wasn't cheating".
"What ?" Melina blinked, she was confused, she hadn't expected this at all. "But Anni, on paper he was still married, and it doesn't mean that there is anything between us now".
Anni shook her head in surrender. "Well but now you know, then it is up to you what you want to do with that knowledge".

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