Tom has a run in with karma

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"Is it true Melina, are you and Tom together ?" One of the make-up ladies was asking her, while applying mascara to her eyelashes.
Melina bit her cheek and smiled sweetly. "But why would you think that sweetie ?"
"It says so right here". She pulled out a tabloid, the front page was a huge picture of Tom and her at the cafe, when he kissed her hand, and she was looking at him, actually looking kind of loving.
"Can I see it ?" She took the tabloid from the make-up lady, the front page read 'Dating or just friends ?' And inside there was a double page with more pictures.
Apparently they had talked to someone sitting near them at the cafe, you had told that they looked very much in love.
All three make-up ladies was starring at her, waiting on a reaction, Melina smiled and shrugged. "It was just lunch, as friends".
"But you two are so adorable together". Sighed the one who had asked and Melina smiled apologetically, thinking that she must be blind, they were definitely not.
Melina got up and wished them a good day, but when she was about to leave Tom came in, he sendt her a bright smile and a look that said 'shut up and play along', then he grabbed her, kissing her so softly. "Morning darling".
"Morning". She gritted her teeth and smiled, then she hurried out, hearing the make-up ladies making excited ihhs and uhhs and Tom wishing them a most beautiful morning.
She walked to the costume department, pretty annoyed, what was that about ? They didn't have to do that on set she was certain he had done it only to tease her, taking advantage that she couldn't hit him.
When she came back out from costumes, she was happy Anni had the day of, so she did didn't have to deal with her too, she ran into Tom. "Please tell me why you did that ?
He smiled his most innocent smile and shrugged. "I am alloved to give my girlfriend a good-morning kiss ain't I".
"Tom, just don't, you are so much taking advantage that I can't really say anything". She said acidly.
Tom rolled his eyes. "Oh darling, I am not that desperate to kiss you, so don't go getting you knickers in a twist, but do you know how much those three love to gossip ? Just wait and see".
"Oh yeah, I guess you might be right". She was embarrassed, she had sounded like she thought he actually would make up excuses to kiss her.
And he was absolutely right, when she checked during their luch break, it was on the social medias and several news sites, that someone working close with them had told how adorable they were and how very much in love they seemed.
"What did I say ?" Tom's voice was suddenly right next to her ear and she got such a shock, she jumped and accidentally elbowed him in the crotch.
"Fuck Tom, don't sneak up on me like that". She looked at him with big eyes, her heart beating like crazy.
He was leaning on the chair with one hand, the other hand instinctively shielding where she hit him, he was gasping, clearly in pain. "You don't tell me ? I think I figured that out".
"Whoops, does it hurt a lot ?" She had a hard time not to giggle, he had it coming, but she felt bad enough to pull over a chair and he slided down on it, still whimpering.
He looked at her, tears in his eyes. "What do you think Sherlock ? Fuck yes, of course it hurts, it hurts like hell".
"Well I didn't mean to do it, but I kind of owed you one for the number you pulled with my bra and for ogling my breasts at the cafe, so maybe we should just label it karma". She said flashing him a sweet smile.

Melina was standing in front of the mirror, it was Thursday evening and she was getting ready for the premier, she was wearing a long blue silk dress that matched her eyes.
The dress hugged her in all the right places, but didn't really allowed her to wear a bra, but she felt okay without one and the dress gave her a nice but not vulgar cleavage.
She put on her silver heels and dangling silver earrings and a matching necklace, her blonde hair twistet up, held with a silver clasp, a few curls falling down framing her face.
Then she heard the sound of Tom's sports car stopping outside, they had agreed he would come to her apartment and then the limo would pick them up there.
She looked out the window, he was getting out his car, straightening his jacket before walking to the door, she went downstairs to let him in.
"Good evening Tom". She looked at him, he was looking great in a grey three piece suit and a white shirt, he had played it down a little by not wearing a tie and leaving the shirt unbuttoned at the top, following the waistcoat, letting her just glimpse the ginger hair on her chest.
His eyes were taking her in, his tongue running over his bottom lip. "Damn you look absolutely divine darling, that dress was made for your body".
"Thanks Tom, but try to contain you dirty thoughts please ?" She felt her cheeks getting red, which just made her more angry with him.
He smiled sweetly. "Well what do you expect from me, when you look like that ? And hopefully I am still governing my own mind ?"
"Remember, as friends, little hints Tom, ripping of my dress mentally isn't a small hint". She said, patting his cheek.
He let one long finger glide along her shoulder, his voice teasing. "Or we could just skip the premier, and I could rip it of you right here and now".
"Tom ! remember we are alone, there is no one here to see me deck you one, so you better be carefull now". Melina clenched her tights together, much against her will, his comment had went right to her center, causing it to clench up.
Right then the limo arrived and he offered her his arm gallantly, walking her to the car.
"Are you ready ?" Tom looked at her and she nodded, the door was opened and Tom got out first, he turned and offered his hand, she grabbed it and got out, a big smile on her lips.
He put his hand gently on the small of her back, guiding her gently down the red carpet, she was smiling and waving to the people assembled, Tom did the same.
When the got to right before the door, they had to pass the photographers and someone asked right away about their relationship, Tom grinned. "Oh we are just co-workers and very good friends".
But when the walked on, he turned slightly winking at the photographers and let his hand slide down on her ass, and she knew they were all getting a pickture.
When they where inside she hissed at him  through her teeth. "Thank you Tom, would you kindly remove your hand from my ass please".
"Okay okay, it actually fit pretty well right there". He said grinning at her, giving her ass a small squeeze before removing it, if eyes could kill she thought, but she couldn't do anything more.
The movie started and Melina was watching it, it was actually a movie she would like to watch, normally she hated premieres, to much attention and pressure to be perfect.
"Tom oh my God, you didn't just do that". Melina whispered, not wanting anyone but Tom to hear her voice.
He had actually stretched and snug his arm around her shoulder, like a love sick teenager, He shrugged. "Well you really can't blame a man for trying ?"
She just shook her head, he was just to much sometimes, she turned back to the movie and luckily he didn't try any other funny stuff.

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