The scream queen

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"Night night mom, see you tomorrow". Melina smiled at her mother and dragged Tom with her into the bedroom.
As soon as she had closed the door she pulled him into her and kissed him greedily.
"Darling you are aware that your mother is right across the hallway ? And you are not exactly known to be quiet". He looked at her teasingly.
She looked at him. "What are you talking about, I am not that loud, I can be quiet".
"Yeah it is for no reason at all they call you the scream Queen on set right". He said with a sly smile.
Her eyes went wide. "They are calling me what ? What exactly are you going around telling people ?"
"I don't have to tell them anything, you know your trailer ? Not really sound proof darling". He chuckled and pulled her back into his arms as she blushed profoundly.
She made an annoyed face. "Uhh as if it is not enough that I have had to hold back all evening, but of course you are right".
"Nothing wrong with just snuggleling once in a while". He said, nozzleling his nose against her cheek.
She grinned, they had slept together every night for the last two weeks and they hadn't been able to do it without having sex yet.
She let go of him and breathed in deeply. "Yeah a good snuggle is great, it might even be healthy for us".
She took of her clothes and went to the bathroom in her underwear, brushing her teeth, a moment later Tom joined her in his boxers.
Then she brushed her hair and opened her bra, throwing it in the hamper, then she went into the bedroom and snuggled up under the blanket.
Tom came in and crawled under the blanket and she snuggled into his arm, he whispered. "Uhm darling, ain't you putting on a T-shirt ?"
"No why, I always sleep in only my panties". She said with a smirk and snuggled closer to him.
He breathed in deeply a couple of times. "Darling this is not fair, how on earth am I supposed to just snuggle when you are pressing those against me ?"
"Oh poor baby, is it so hard for you ? Why isn't it fair ? You are not wearing a T-shirt either". She let her hand run up his chest, playing with the splash of ginger hair there.
His hand was caressing her waist area. "It is not the same, it would be like me sleeping naked".
"But you can sleep naked if you want to sweetie". She said teasingly, letting her hand slide down to run just inside the waistband on his boxers.
He grabbed her wrist. "Uh Melina, what did we just agree on ? Something about not having sex".
"I think I forgot, my brain tends to stop working properly when you are this close to me". She was leaving a trail of kisses on his chest.
He pulled her up to him, kissing her. "You are quite impossible are you aware of that ?"
"Why ? I can easily turn around and sleep now, if that is what you want". She pretended to turn her back to him, but he grabbed her, kissing her wanting.
She was leaving trails of kisses on his neck and throat, she didn't want to go without sex for several days because her mother visited, her mother wouldn't mind and Melina thought she could be quiet this one time.
His hands found her breasts, kneading them and she sighed, she just couldn't get enough of him, it was just to good and she felt they where a perfect match.
Melinas hands ran up and down his back and she might have left a couple of marks, when his lips closed around her nipple, sucking it hard into his mouth.
His mouth travelled down her stomach and his teeth bit into her panties, he looked up at her with a sexy smirk before pulling them of her.
Tom let his tongue run up her ankle and further up her leg reaching her inner thigh, nibbling with his lips, making her squirm.
His mouth moved further up and when his tongue ghostet over her folds she gasped out loud.
She was moaning uncontrollable and forgot everything about staying quiet, when his tongue and lips, started exploring every fold and crease, she felt the orgasm build fast.
When his mouth found her clitoris, sucking it into his mouth, his fingers thrusting into her, she couldn't hold back anymore and she was whimpering, as the orgasm made her cramp around his fingers.
But he didn't stop for a second, and she felt like she couldn't be in her own skin, the pleasure almost to much.
A couple of minutes later her hands grabbed his hair, pulling him roughly up to kiss him hard. "Tom fuck me right this instance or I swear to God that I am gonna scream so loud my mother will come running".
She grabbed a condom from the night stand, opening it while he pulled of his boxers, then she rolled it on swiftly.
He leaned down to kiss her softly, then he lifted her legs over his shoulders, before burying himself completely inside her in one deep thrust.
Melina was gasping, with her legs like that she couldn't do anything to control how hard or fast he was taking her and he could get even deeper, every thrust sending electric sparks through her.
His hand found her nipple, runbbing it between two fingers, pulling lightly at it, Melina was close to coming undone.
He upped the tempo, hitting the right spot with every deep thrust and that was all she could take, she was screaming his name pretty loud as her body cramped down on him, taking him with her.
"Now we can snuggle". She said breathless, pulling him down on top of her, making him chuckle, and pull her into his arms as he rolled of her.

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