Preparing to meet mom

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"Are you sure you can't come with me down to San Diego Tuesday ?" It was the same evening and they were laying on Tom's bed, totally entangled in one another.
Melina sighed, her hand running over his stomach. "I wish I cound, but I have scenes to do Wednesday and my mother isn't leaving before Friday, I'll be down there saturday morning".
"But it is 4 whole days I have to be without you". He stuck out his bottom lip, pouting in the most adorable way.
She couldn't help grinning at him. "I am going to miss you to sweetie, but you are goint to be busy anyway, you wont have time to think of me".
"I wont be thinking of anything else, I pity the people who have bought tickets to my panels, because they will have to listen to me talking about you and whine about how much I miss you for the entire time". He said grinning.
She smiled at him. "You know I am gonna watch all those panels at some point right ? So be careful what you say".
He just chuckled raising one eyebrow and she pushed him, sometimes he had a bit of trouble keeping his mouth shut and she feared he would be shearing to much.
Melina was looking forward to getting a visit from her mother, it had been a long time since she last saw her, but she was a bit nervous about her meeting Tom, she might think him to old for her.
"You look so worried my love, is something troubling you ?" He stroked her cheek gently, looking at her for an answer.
She smiled reassuringly at him. "Now just a bit nervous about my mother coming, you know she have been alone with me always and I am her only child, she tend to be a bit protective".
"Oh and you fear she wont like me, maybe think I am to old for her precious daughter right ?" He asked.
Melina sighed and answered. "Tom, my mother was really young when she had me, like really really young. Actually you are closer to her age than mine, she just turned 41".
"Oh wow, yeah she must have been really young. Okay I get why you are worried then, I promise to be on my absolute best behaviour okay ?" He kissed her softly.
It was actually a bit weird to think about, her mother being only 5 years older than Tom, while he was 12 years her senior.
He could easily have dated her mother, especially since her mother liked her men younger. That was a scary thought, but it was only because her mother had gotten her when she was only 17 years old.
She knew a few people had been commenting on their age difference and found him to old for her, but on a day to day basis, she never thought about his age.
She had told her mother that she was seeing someone and that it was getting serious, but she hadn't told about his age and her mother who still lived in Denmark, never read tabloids and didn't have internet, she didn't knew anymore about him than she had done herself when she arrived in LA.
"Your mother is coming this saturday right ? Do you want me to go with you to the airport ?" He looked at her.
Melina shook her head. "No I think it is better if I pick her up alone and you know, just gives her a heads up before introducing you, would that be okay ?"
"Of course darling, we can do what ever you think will be best". He answered, pulling her into him.
She snuggled up close to him, to her he was the most amazing man in the world, her mother had to adore him, didn't she ?

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