Mom arrives

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It was saturday morning and Melina was on her way out to go to the airport and pick up her mother, Tom was staying at her apartment waiting for them to get back. "I insist that you do darling".
"But I am not sure I can handle that thing, doesn't it have a shit load of horsepowers ?" Melina looked insecure, Tom wanted her to drive his jaguar to the airport.
He shrugged. "It is not that bad, just don't step on the accelerator, you don't really feel the speed before hitting around 125 mph".
"You are not telling me you have been going 125 mph in it ? What the fuck, are you trying to kill yourself and everyone getting in your way ?" She glared at him.
He bit his lip, looking everywhere else, not daring to look in her eyes. "It was on a closed track, does that help ?"
"Well at least you are only killing yourself, uh I don't know why am asking, but how fast does it go ?" She didn't like his liking for anything fast.
He smiled, his answer so low, she couldn't really hear it, she looked at him. "Excuse me what did you say ? Because I really don't hope you said what I think I heard you say".
"Well I am not sure I want to repeat it then, okay just stop giving me that look, I got it to 185 mph". He ducked his head slightly, looking like he expected her to yell.
She was just staring at him. "Are you utterly insane Tom ? Do you know what would happen if you lost control at 185 mph ?"
"Well yeah, but I wasn't exactly thinking about that at the time". He sendt her an apologetic smile.
She sighed and put her arms around him. "You know that I am just scared of loosing you right ? Please promise me to be careful from now on right ?"
"I promise darling and now go pick up your mother, I am going to have lunch ready for you when you come back". He kissed her gently.
"Okay, I'll take your car, but I don't wanna her one single word if I dent it". She said grabbing the car keys he was holding out towards her.
She turned on the engine and got a minor shock, when it almost jumped forward, oh shit how had he talked her into this ?
But she got accustomed to driving it pretty fast and she could actually understand him a bit, it felt exciting controlling all this power, but it was hard keeping it below the speeding limit and it was a bit temperamental, it fit him really well.
Luckily there were no paparezzi at the airport, no one knew she was going there, but she ran into a small group of fans and when they asked for a picture with her she agreed with a smile.
"Are you here to pick up someone ? You don't look like you are travelling". One of them asked slyly.
She smiled back, funny how the thing supposed to make the fans like her more, had made her feel more comfortable with the fans. "I am picking up my mother, she is coming to visit me for the first time".
"Oh she is going to meet Tom then ? You are driving his car ain't you ?" Someone asked her and they were all looking at her.
Melina nodded. "Yes she is and yes he practically forced me to drive that monster".
"You two are just so adorable, please don't listen to those haters whining about his age or the ones saying it is a showmance". One of them said friendly.
Melina looked at her, feeling grateful that someone would say something nice like that. "Thank you, that actually means a lot to me".
The young woman blushed and smiled proudly, Melina excused herself, she had to go pick up her mother and they thanked her for her time.
She went to the arrival entrance and waited, then she spotted her mother and hurried to hug her. "Mommy it is so wonderful to have you here".
"Melina baby, I missed you so much, And I can't wait to see it all and to finally met a serious boyfriend, it is about time you got one of those". Her mother said hugging her.
People watching them would probably think they where sisters and they mostly acted like sister now after she had grown up, she was so happy to have her mother there.

"Let me guess, his car right ?" Her mother was eyeing the pistol grey Jaguar, looking quite impressed.
Melina opened the back door, sliding her mothers back i to the seat. "You don't have to refer to him as him anymore mom, his name is Thomas, just call him Tom".
"Okay Tom then, but not easy when you wouldn't even tell me his name, you know I could have gone to the library and googled you if I wanted to know right ?" Her mother said grinning.
Melina blushed, she hadn't really thought about that possibility, she just didn't want her mother to dislike him because of his age or something she saw online.
"Don't worry baby, I haven't. I only know what you told me and what my eyes tell me, so I know his name is Tom, he likes fast cars and my daugther is very much in love with him". Her mother said.
They got into the car and Melina started the car, her mother looked at her wanting answers. "Well then tell me, how long have you known each other ?"
"It is a bit complicated, I actually met him right after I arrived, I was acting opposite him in my first movie I did". She pulled out from the parking lot.
He mother was watching her intently. "Okay, and how much happened between you back then ?"
"Shit mom, how could you possible know that something happened ?" Melina felt herself blush, she had never been able to hide anuthing from her mother.
He mother grinned. "I am your mother after all, I know when you are hiding something and right now your face is the shade of a tomato, so I am guessing pretty hot".
"Uh mom, I am not telling you any details and please hear everything before deciding to hate him okay ?" She glanced at her mother.
Her mother sighed. "Okay I promise to keep an open mind until you have told everything and you know you can tell me everything right ?"
"Yes I know mom, but yes something did happen and yes it was hot and I thought there was possibilities for something more, until Victoria told me that he was married". She sighed.
Her mothers eyes bulged and she looked about to say something, but Melina stopped her. "Remember, open mind mom, I know what you are thinking and yes I flipped and I slapped him twice, the second one making him bleed".
"That's my girl, I did raise you right then". Her mother chimed, looking ever so proud.
Melina kept telling. "I told him to fuck of and never ever talk to me again, never giving him a chance to explain and I didn't see him before a couple of months ago, when he got a role on my show".
"And just guessing, he isn't married anymore ?" Her mother looked at her questioning.
She shook her head. "I refused to talk to him and we had a somewhat strained working relationship, then they called me into a meeting, they wanted me to date, to seem more relateable and I agreed to a fake relationship".
"Let me guess, with him ? Oh you must have been so pissed". Her mother was laughing and she was happy, she saw the fun in it.
Melina chuckled. "That is putting it lightly. I felt he was torturing me, which he might have been doing sometimes, but I found myself warming up to him aswell, he is kind of irresistible".
"And just when I was contemplating giving in, my friend Anni could tell me that he had been separated back then". Melina breathed in deeply.
Then she went on. "His wife had left him months before I met him, but it was still a secret, so he couldn't just tell me, that kind of did it for me, so the last two weeks we have been dating for real".
"But you are driving his car and you practically live together from what you told me, that sounds pretty serious my dear". Her mother said in a loving tone.
Melina smiled and bit her lip. "I love him mom, more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone".
"And he is just as serious about this ? You know men maturing later and all that". Her mother was looking at her.
Melina almost laughed out loud. "Oh yeah, without a doubt, he took the role because he had been waiting for more than a year to explain, and the fake relationship was his idea, to get me to talk to him".
"Sounds like a man who knows what he wants and go for it wholeheartedly". Her mother was smiling.
They were nearly at her apartment and she was still debating whether to tell her mother his age, she was pretty shure her mother would think him quite a bit younger if she didn't say anything, but honesty might be the best thing here.
"Mom there is something I have to tell you about Tom, he is quite a bit older than me". She bit her lip, glancing over at her mother.
Her mother looked at her and then asked. "Just please tell me that he is younger than me, then I think I can manage".
"Don't worry mom, he is not that old, he is turning 36 in a couple of months". She said, relieved that her mother seemed accepting.
"And let me see, if I know my daughter the least, he is a hot piece of ass, better watch out your old mother ain't steeling him away". Her mother said winking at her.
Melina turned into her driveway, shutting of the engine. "Mom ! Seriously, you can't say something like that and Tom is here, so behave, he can be a bit sensitive".

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