The plan

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They went inside, the studio boss greeted them friendly enough, then they all sat down, getting treated to a fancy lunch, but Melina wasn't really hungry.
What was going on ? They couldn't fire her or cancel the show when they had just started shooting the second season could they ?
Finally they had finished eating and the big boss was eyeing them. "As you probably know the ratings went down quite a lot by the end of season 1, but they are still very good, so we don't need to panic yet".
They nodded and Melina relaxed a bit, as he said no reason to panic yet, that had to be okay.
"Yeah that is why we brought on Tom, to get something new and get his fanbase on to this show". Gertrude said.
The boss nodded. "Yes and he is populær, and we hope his fanbase will take to our show, but I think we need to do a couple of other things , and that is were you can help Melina".
"Just tell me what to do, I am ready to do whatever I can to help". Melina smiled, she wanted to show that she wanted to work to save the show.
"I like your attitude, I am so happy to hear that Melina, we have done some fan polls and one thing we heard alot was that you seemed to cold and distant both on and of screen". The boss said.
Melina smiled a bit tight, she knew she could come of that way, but what would they have her do ? Smile at everyone and kiss some babies ?
Gertrude padded her hand. "We know that is not true my dear, and it really shouldn't matter, but people want to be able to relate to the stars they watch on tv".
"But what to do about it ? If I start beeing really nice to everyone, they will just call me fake". She had a feeling that they had some idea in their head.
The boss nodded. "On screen we are fixing with Tom and some other story lines, but of screen we need them to see your soft sides, that you are not only strong and confident, but also loveable, like dating".
"Dating ? But I can't just go and get a boyfriend so people will think that I am loveable". She was confused, the surely couldn't mean that.
Jake grabbed her hand. "We are not talking a real boyfriend of course, you know just a little make believe".
"Seriously, I thought that was an urban legend, you want me to do a showmance ?" She had heard about it, but didn't think anybody really did that.
Jake laughed. "If you knew how many Hollywood relationships, even quite long ones there have been fake, I could tell you some names that would shock you".
"I don't know, I am not sure I am capable of something like that". She bit her lip, she hadn't been in a relationship since she arrived in LA and only been on a few dates.
Gertrude send her a reassuring smile. "It is not going to be a real relationship, we are talking some red carpet events, a couple of demure kisses for the kameraes and some 'whoops we were spotted holding hands at a cafe', see it as a role".
"Well yeah, I giess I could do that, if you think it is the right thing to do". She didn't like it, but she didn't feel like they were giving here a choice.
The big boss nodded happily, then he pushed the intercom. "Yes, send him in. Thank you Melina, I am pleased that you agreed to do this".
"Uhh you are welcome". She felt butterflies in her stomach, and not the nice kind, what had they contemplated ? Was it someone she knew ?
Just then she heard i voice in the hallway, she groaned and hid her face in her hands. "Oh hell no, this is so not happening, please pick the homeless toothless guy down on the corner instead".
The door opened ajar and Tom peaked inside, the boss looked up at him. "Come on in Tom, no need to hide out there".
"Oh I am not so sure, needed to make sure the hell cat wasn't going to throw something at me first". He said winking at Melina, who seriously contemplated how well she could aim a fork at this distance.

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