When mom flirts with your boyfriend

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"We are back sweetie". Melina opened the door and called out to Tom, she went inside and put down her mothers suitcase.
Tom came out from the kitchen, smiling happily at her. "Was the car okay to drive love ?"
"Well yeah, only made a little scratch... no relax, no problems, but it is a bit temperamental". She said grinning.
He grabbed her around the waist, kissing her softly. "Don't ever say something like that, not even as a joke, that is my baby out there, where is your mother by the way ?"
"She just wanted to call my grandmother to say she had arrived safely, I told her how we met and how old you are and she is being nice about it". She smiled at him.
He breathe out. "I am happy to hear that darling, that has to be a good start, so now I just have to pull out the charm and win her over right ?"
"Yeah, but keep it down okay. My mother, well she can be a bit out there, and I don't want her.. Just don't freak if she is a little inappropriate okay ?" She said.
Right then the door opened and her mother flounced i to the hallway, looking like she belonged.
Melina presentet them to one another. "Mom this is Tom and sweetie this is my mother Sandra".
"So you are the one making my only daughter all lovey dovey and weak in the knees". Her mother said, pulling him into a familiar hug.
Tom answered smiling. "If you hadn't said your daughter, I would have sworn you were sisters, I definitely see where Melina gets her beauty from".
Melina rolled her eyes at him behind her mothers back and made a motion like she was going to be sick. She told him to wind it down, well it was his own fault if her mother got a little flirty then.
Her mother blushed like a schoolgirl and said. "Oh bollocks, you are just a real charmer ain't you ?"
"There are lunch ready in the kitchen, you can just go get started, I will take your suitcase to the guest room". Tom said.
He grabbed the suitcase and went upstairs, Melina grabbed her mothers arm, pulling her into the kitchen, whispering a little loud. "Thank you mom, please keep your eyes of my boyfriends ass".
"Oh sorry honey, but it was nearly impossible not to look. You did really good with that one my girl". Her mother answered and sat down at the table.
Melina rolled her eyes and sat down as well. "Thank you mother, I know he is gorgeous. I just don't want my mother to tell me".
They started eating and a few minutes later Tom came back down, he flopped down next to Melina, resting one hand on her thigh under the table.
"Did you do this yourself sweetie ? I actually didn't know you can cook". Melina looked at him with surprice, taking another bite of the seafood salad.
He looked at her, one eyebrow slightly raised. "It is not like a salad requires a lot of cooking, but I have been living alone for quite some time, and I didn't want to eat out every night, so I can cook well enough to keep myself alive".
"No you certainly didn't starve, but Melina is right, this is delicious Tom". Her mother said in a flirtatious voice and Melina shoot her a dirty look.
Tom just smiled, either he didn't notice the flirting or he chose to ignore it. "Thank you Sandra, can I call you Sandra ?"
"You can call me anything you like handsome". Her mother answered winking and this time Tom blushed and look a bit uncomfortable.
"Mom how is everyone at home ?" Melina wanted to move her mothers focus away from Tom, and she needed a serious talk with her when they where alone.
When they where done eating, Tom excused himself to her mother, he had some things to take care of.
Melina walked him out to his car, her mother went upstairs to unpack, after hugging Tom a little to tight, telling him she looked forward to seeing more of him.
He stopped and pulled Melina into his arms, asking a bit nervously. "Am I totally paranoid or was your mother flirting with me ?"
"Oh no, not paranoid at all sweetie, she is not even trying to hide it. I don't think she really means anything by it, but I am going to have a serious talk with her anyway". Melina said apologetically.
He looked relieved. "Thank you darling, it is just a bit uncomfortable, but I don't like saying anything as she is your mother".
"Don't worry, I'll make her stop, are you coming back when you are done ?" She looked up at him pleadingly.
He kissed her on the forehead. "You don't want to have the evening alone with your mother ? But if you want me to I'll be back as soon as possible".
"Please hurry back, I love my mother, but to much alone time with her is taxing, and I get to be alone with her when you go to San Diego". She kissed him one last time, before hurrying inside.

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