What's inside a warewolf ?

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It was about a week later and Melina was getting on set for a scene, they were working hard now, wanting to get the season finished before she started showing.
She got ready for the scene, she was cutting open a dead werewolf and removing it's heart. That wasn't somethin easily done in a convincing way.
They started shooting, she cut open the werewolf, it was of course a very well made doll. Tom was standing on the other side of the table watching her.
"And then you remove the heart". She put her hand into the doll, searching for the heart, but what she found wasn't a heart, it was much smaller and square.
Melina pulled out the thing and realised it was a jewellery box, she opened it and stared at the most beautiful diamond ring. She looked up at Tom. "What is going on ?"
He pushed the table aside and grabbed her hand before kneeling. "Melina, you are the light of my life and I love you more than I will ever be capable of putting into words. Would you please make me the happiest man on earth and marry me ?"
"Of course yes, I would love to". He said feeling a bit overwhelmed, tears running down her cheeks. She hadn't seen this coming.
He took the ring and gently put it on her finger, then he pulled her into him, kissing her softly, while everyone else was whooping and clapping.
When she look at him again he was brushing tears from his eyes, unable to stop smiling. She loved that smile, the totally happy and unrestrained one.
When the drove home later she was admiring the ring. "It is so beautiful Tom, but you really got me. I wasn't expecting that".
"Well that was kind of the idea darling, that it should be a surprise and I am happy you like it. When I saw it I just felt it was the right one". He smiled at her.
She bit her lip. "I am truly happy sweetie, so don't take this the wrong way, but are doing this just because I am pregnant ?"
"Nope and you can check with the special effect guys, I was kind of planning this long before I knew". He answered.
She looked a bit confused, counting in her head. "Long before ? Sweetie we had only been dating for three weeks when I found out, so long before isn't really possible".
"Well I might have been talking to them a couple of days before the premiere". He kept his eyes on the road.
Melina shook her head in disbelief. "You were planning to propose before we where actually dating ? What if I hadn't given into you ?"
"Then I would have proposed anyway and hoped that was the way to win you over or I would have made quite a fool of myself". He said with a small smile.
She sighed and looked at him. "You are seriously not entirely sane sometimes, but for some reason that only makes me love you more".

4 months later
They were married on the beach at sunset, Melina had choosen a loose flowing dress, feeling her stomach was getting to big for something tight.
She walked over the sand on her mothers arm, her feet bare in the warm sand, she looked up and spotted Tom, he was waiting for her with the biggest smile and misty eyes.
Melina smiled at him, he was looking dashing in dark blue pants and a matching waistcoat on top of a crisp white shirt, he had taken of his jacket and his feet were bare too.
When she reached him he caught her hands and his eyes never left hers doing the ceremony, not before the priest told him he could kiss his bride and he did so very inappropriate with one hand on her ass
Melina looked up at him lovingly, knowing this was how it was supposed to be, it had just taken her some time to realise.

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