Breakfast comes with a lap dance

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"Do you feel clear headed enough to drive ? We wouldn't want you arrested for drunk driving". Melina looked at Tom, they had just left the studio together.
He sent her a small smile. "What the hell, are you suddenly worried about me, are you feeling well ?"
"I couldn't care less, but it would give the show bad press and I would have to deal with a lot of unwanted questions, being your girlfriend and all". She answered acidly.
He sighed. "I am complety sober and I am able to drive. I don't think I would pass a blod test, but I have to get home".
Melina rolled her eyes and pointed to her own car. "Get in before I change my mind, I am driving you home".
He did as he was told without arguing and slid himself in to the passenger seat, Melina got into the drivers seat and turned on the car.
"Shit do you usually drive around with dwarfs ?" Tom said, trying to get the seat back enough for him to have his legs there.
She sent him a patronising glare. "No, but not everyone can be as ridiculously tall and long legged as you".
"Sure just make me sound like some freak of nature, as far as I know I am a pretty normal hight". He looked at tad offended.
Her eyes glided over him, she guessed he was right, it was not like he was freakisly tall, just tall and long legged, making her feel small stading a slim barely 5,6 feet. "How tall are you by the way ? Around 6,3 ?"
"My pasport says 6,2 so I guess somewhere around there, so just you being small". He said teasingly.
"Hey I am not small, maybe not model hight, but totally average size for a woman". She shoot back.
He held up his hands in defeat. "Well lets just agree, that we are both perfectly normal, at least talking about our hight, they rest we might not wanna discuss".
He guided her to his house and she was surprised to se he was living in a pretty normal house, in a normal neighbourhood, nothing high class or fancy.
"You do realise that you have to come pick me up tomorrow morning right ? as my car is at the studio". He smiled at her.
She hadn't really contemplated that, at least it wasn't much of a detour. "Be ready at 8 o'clock sharp then".
"I will. You are not gonne like this, but I have to kiss you before getting out, someone could be watching us". He actully looked at bit uncomfortable.
She sighed, he was right of course, it would look odd if she didn't kiss him goodbye after driving him home. "Just get it over with".
His eyes caught hers and his hand grabbed her neck gently, pulling her face toward his, his lips gracing hers so softly she almost didn't feel it.
His mouth was so close to hers that she could feel it, she could also feel his sweet breath on her lips, for some reason this was driving her insane.
Melina caved in and closed the smal gap, catching his warm soft lips with hers and he responded to her kiss right away.
She had one hand on his chest, the other one was grabbing his hair, he stopped the kiss gently but firmly. "That has to be enough to convince anyone watching".
She nodded, somewhat out of breath and warm in the cheeks, why did she just throw every caution overboard every time he kissed her ? It was really stupid and he looked totally calm, but then she felt his heart beating like crazy under her hand, and she smiled slyly to herself.
"Se you tomorrow my pretty". He got out the car, flashing her one last smile before walking to the front door.
Melina start her car and drowe on home, how long did she have to keep this up ? It would have to end soon, or it was sure to end badly, one way or the other.

Tom was waiting by the curb as she pulled up next morning, he jumped in, kissing her on the cheek. "Morning beautiful girl".
"You are in a good mood this morning". She said pulling out the car, it would be a great day if they got through it without any bull shit.
He turned on the radio finding some music. "Yup, I have sleept wonderfully and the sun is shining, so no reason to be anything else".
The radio were playing 'Hakuna Matata' from the Lion king, he was humming along and after a short time he seemed to forget her being there, singing along instead, Melina just listened to his voice.
When the song ended she glanced at him. "Wow Tom, I have to give you that, you really have a great voice".
"Uh thanks, I like to sing". He smiled, looking a little sheepishly, like he hadn't realised he was singing out loud.
She pulled up in front of the studio. "You haven't thought about doing more singing ?"
"Maybe, I mean I have done one musical movie, but it was extremely taxing, I still do it again though". He opened the door and got out.
Melina got her bag, realising Tom had opened her door for her. "Thank you, Good I didn't even know you'd done a movie were you sang".
"You ought to keep better up sweetie, he was amazing in it, it is about Hank Williams, you should check it out". Annis voice chieded her from behind them.
Melina looked at Tom, who just shrugged, like it wasn't a big deal. "Well, I have to say, you just keep surprising me, not bad, I think I need to watch that".
"Do you two have time for some breakfast ? Or are you in a hurry ?" Anni looked at both of them.
Melina looked at Tom who nodded and she said. "Well I guess we have time for that, so why not ?"
They walked onto the studio lot and went to the little outdoor cafe, where they served breakfast and lunch.
"Tom seriously, could you just choose something already ?" Melina looked ready to give up, how on earth could it be so hard to choose some breakfast ?
He looked at her. "Sorry, I am just nok good at making decisions, how do I know wich is the right choise ? I want to choose fairly".
"You choose what you feel like, no need to be fair to your food, and no it has nothing to do with being fair, you are just crazy". Melina said shaking her head.
He looked thoughtful. "But what do I feel like ? And is it necessarily the right choice for me ?"
"Tom for Gods sake choose something or we don't get to eat". Melina was massaging her temples and Anni was having a fit of giggles.
He just looked even more confused but then threw up his hands. "Okay then I'll just have what you are having".
"Arg shit, couldn't you have said that five minutes ago ?" Melina sighed, walking up to order their food.
She looked at Tom and Anni, who were sitting down, seriously he was sometime the weirdest person she ever meet, but actually she kind of liked his little quirks.
When she sat back down at their table, she was putting her change back in her wallet, but dropped a couple of coins. "Oh fuck".
Melina got down on her knees, scrambling around to find the coins. Where the hell had the last one gone to, she looked around and Tom said. "A little to the left and a little ahead of you".
She looked that way, and saw the coin, so she crawled to get it, when she picked it up she heard Tom's voice, clearly hiding a snicker. "Well hallo, just were I like to see you".
She looked up, practically staring right into his crotch, the coin had been right between his feet, he was looking down at her, a smirk on his face.
"Well dearie, be carefull what you wish for, it could be more than you can handle". She was getting tired of his playing around, deciding to give a little back.
She let her hands run up his tights, her nails run over the fabric of his jeans, only stopping when her hands was lying on his pelvic bones, then she stretched her legs, pushing her ass out and up.
She stood up, letting her face glide just inches above the now noticeable bulge in his jeans, then she threw her hair back, let go of him and sat down on her own chair with a smirk.
"Melina what the hell was that ?" Anni stared at her almost looking scared, Melina kind of forgot she was there.
She looked apologetic and glanced at Tom, who was still staring at her, his mouth slightly open. "Whoops, just got tired of him playing around, when he chicken out every time".
Their food was done and Tom hurriedly went to pick it up, adjusting his jeans, he put a plate in front of Anni and one at his own place.
Then he leaned down beside Melina, putting her plate in front of her, his mouth right next to her ear, his voice hoarse and low. "You should be happy we are in a puplic place baby".

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