Mothers know

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"Honey I am so sorry, I promise I didn't do it on purpose". Her mother came into the kitchen, looking all apologetic.
Melina was preparing their breakfast and looked up at her mother. "What mom, what have you done this time ?"
"I thought it was you in the shower, so I just went in. I promise I didn't mean to". Her mother looked a bit flushed.
Melina rolled her eyes. "Mom for God sake, you should have realised it could be Tom or we could have been in there together".
"After that work over you got last night ? I didn't think so sweetie. I just wanted to ask you something". Her mother said sitting down.
Melina focused on flipping the pancakes. "Mom ! Boundaries, you are not supposed to say that. You are supposed to pretend you didn't hear a thing".
Her mother smiled. "But I am happy that I could hear you were honest about that aspect of your relationship, it definitely seems to be satisfactory and Melina that ..."
"No mom, stop ! I know what you are going to say, and I don't wanna know okay ? I just wanna forget you saw my boyfriend naked, thank you". Melina cut of her mother.
Her mother shrugged. "Okay darling, but you have no reason to be embarrassed and neither does he, that is a fine piece of ass you got yourself my girl".
"Mom I can't hear you, la la la la". Melina had her hands over her ears, trying to ignore her mother and not burn the last pancake.
Tom walked in, he looked quizzically at Melina, then at her mother, who winked at him, making him blush deeply.
He hurried over to Melina, putting his arms around her, snuggleling his face into her neck. "Sorry darling, I didn't know it was necessary to lock the door".
"You do not need to apologise, it's my mother who totally lack normal boundaries". She kissed him on the hair.
Her mother flashed him a smile and said. "Don't worry, nothing happened and you my dear, has nothing to be ashamed of".
"Mom ! Shut up now". Melina shoot her an angry look and Tom went tomato red and excused himself, giving Melina a quick kiss before heading out.
They had breakfast and spend the day shopping and going by the beach, they had a great time and Melina was okay with her mothers sometimes inappropriate comments as long as they were about other men and not Tom.
Tom came back when he was done and took them out for dinner and her mother was on her best behaviour, they had a great evening.
Monday her mother joined them on set, to see where Melina worked and say hallo to all the people she was working with.
Tuesday morning Melina was making breakfast, her mother had just come down the stairs and Tom was still sleeping, when Melina suddenly felt sick.
She ran out to the bathroom throwing up, when she had rinsed her mouth with water and turned, she found her mother standing in the doorway. "Now honey, tell me how far along you are ?"
"What are you talking about ? I'm just coming down with something, I am most ... Oh shit". Melina felt the panic kick in. She ran into the kitchen, grabbing her calendar, fuck her period was due sunday and it was never late.
Her mother came into the kitchen. "Oh you didn't know ? My sweet girl, I had a hunch, but I just thought you were waiting for the right time to tell me".
"Shit shit shit this is not good at all, what am I to do ?" She looked at her mother with panic in her eyes.
"Do you have an apothecary or something nearby ?" Her mother asked, grabbing her arm gently and leading her out through the door.
There luckily was one just a five minutes walk away and her mother went and got a package of pregnancy tests.
When Melina was back in her bathroom a stick in her hand, ready to pee on it, she feelt her heart beat violently, she couldn't believe this was happening.
As she came out she held out the test to her mother, who looked at it, clapping her hands happily. "Uhh I am going to be a grandmother".

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