Another Tom

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They had just gotten out of the limo in front of her house, and she had thought Tom would go straight to his car and leave, but instead he pulled her into his arms.
His lips caressing her neck lightly. She wanted to push him away, but he whispered. "Be quiet, we are being watched, so this is the moment where you pull me inside, unless you want me to give them a real show".
She grinded her teeth, but grabbed his hand, leading him inside, she closed the door behind them and let go of his hand. "And what now ?"
"Well we could play chess the next couple of hours or we could do something a lot more exciting". He said raising one eyebrow, grinning at her.
She breathed in deeply, normally she wasn't a violent person, but damn she wanted to hit him more often than not. "Tom no, just no".
Se opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of white wine, pouring herself a glass, she hold out the bottle toward him and he nodded, making her grab another glas, pouring it and handing it to him.
"Well what did you think of the movie then ?" He took a zip of the glass, looking at her.
She leaned on the kitchen counter. "I liked it, it was very deep and touching, a bit sad".
"Yup, it pulled some tears in the end". He said, flopping himself down on one of the kitchen chairs.
She emptied her glass refilling it, and when he held out his, she filled that too. "Not a lot of men would admit so freely that a movie made them cry".
"Well I think just about everyone and their cat has seen me cry, so there is really no reason to hide it, and I am not embarrassed to admit it, it's in my nature". He said with a small smile.
She looked at him in wonder. "Hmm I would have picked you for the type he tried to laugh it of, making fun of it, and not for one who would cry in public without shame".
"Well, that really just show how little you really know about me Melina". He said emptying his glass.
He was right, she didn't really know him, but she never really had any reason to get to know him better.
Normally she wasn't much of a drinker, but right now she felt like getting shit faced, so she emptied the bottle in his glas, getting another bottle from the fridge, refilling her own.
"Then tell me something about you, you are british right ? Have you always wanted to be an actor ?" She looked at him, they might as well do something while they waited, so why not talk.
He stretched his long limbs and took of his jacket, hanging it on the back of the chair. "Yes british to the bone and I still live in London when I don't work here".
"I have been doing theatre since I was about 6 years old, so well yeah most of my life, but when I was a kid I was a total nerd, so I got alot of laughs when I told people". He answered.
"You a nerd ? I have a really hard time believing that". She tilted her head looking at him, she was starting to fell the wine.
He liftet his eyebrows and sent her a crooked smile. "Believe me and I still am, a nerd is just someone who are really passionated about something, so I am a nerd in many ways".
"I never thought about it like that, but you are right, that makes perfect sense". She said, refilling her glass for the fourth time.
He smiled. "Thank you, but it kind of seems like being nerdy is back in fashion. But I don't really care, I rather use my fame to help. I have worked a lot with unicef".
"Oh I have read about that, you have been to Africa with them a couple of times. That is a very brave thing to do". She was actually interested now.
Tom lighted up when talking about it, it obviously meant alot to him. "Well it is nothing compared to the people living there or the one staying there to help, it is super hard to see but also so awesome, and we get to do a lot of good".
"That sounds like a fantastic thing to do, you should be really proud". She sent him a genuine smile, she hadn't expected him to be so into helping others.
He breathed deeply. "Thank you Melina, it truly means alot to me that you think that, but I can't take much credit, there are so many great people giving so much to make this work. I am just the pretty face drawing the attention".
She didn't say anything, this humble, caring, passionated Tom was like a whole new person, one she thought she might even like.
They sat for some time in silence zipping their wine, suddenly Melina thought she got a genius idea, and she smiled. "Tom I got an idea, take of your shirt".

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