A check up

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They next couple of weeks Melina was slowly going crazy. Tom wouldn't let her do anything, out of fear of something happening to the baby, he was getting close to insisting on bathing her.
Finally it was time for a new scanning, Melina hoped it would make him relax just a bit, so she could relax a bit too, and not be such on edge all the time.
The doctor was scanning her and pointed to the screen. "Look here, that little blink, that is your babys heart and now listen".
He pushed a button and the sound of the little beating heart filled the room, Melina felt her own heart swell and the tears threaten to run freely. She looked up at Tom, his lips were trembling and the tears were running down his cheeks. "That is the most beautiful sound in the world".
"And everything is okay ? Is she healthy ?" Melina looked at the doctor and squeezed Tom's hand.
The doctor nodded. "Yes it is a perfectly healthy baby, if it is a girl, I can't say yet".
"So I can do anything I want to again ? There is no danger anymore ? We are going to keep her for sure ?" Melinas face lighted up.
The doctor nodded once again. "There is nothing indicating that there should be any danger, the bleeding was quite possible a blood cloth unrelated to the pregnancy and caused by hormonal changes".
Melina bit her lip and then asked. "Couldn't you explain that big oaf that sex is okay too and he isn't going to poke the baby in the face".
"Don't worry, there is no danger connected to sex, it is actually healthy in a normal pregnancy". The doctor said with a smile.
Melina got up and accepted the pictures the doctor gave her, before shaking his hand. "Thank you so much doctor".
On their way out Melina got a time for her next appointment a couple of weeks later. Hoping that they would be able to see her better next time.
Tom opened the door and looked at her asking. "What do you want to do now darling ?"
"You, preferably right here and now, but I can live with going home first". She answered letting her eyes run over him.
Tom grinned teasingly. "Or we could go shopping for nursery furniture first. There is a lot of things we need to get you know".
"Unless you wish to make a lot of people very uncomfortable, because I end up raping you in the bed department, then you better take me home right now". She said sweetly.
He grinned again and opened the car door to her. "Relax darling, you sound like you having been getting any for a long time".
"It has been almost three weeks, that is like forever in my book honey". She said grabbing the front of his shirt as he got in the car, pulling him into a heated kiss, before he started the car.
He had a amused smirk on his face and pulled out from the parking lot. "Well then I better give the lady what she wants. I have heard pregnant women can get quite dangerous".
She hit him hard on the shoulder. "I think you better watch what you are saying Hiddles, you do not want to tease a pregnant woman".
"And what are you going to do about it ? I know you ain't going to kick me out of the bedroom". He said with a shit eating grin.
She glared at him, the sendt him a naughty smile. "Oh I can easily take advantage of you sexually and then kick you out afterwards".
He sent her a heated glace, his voice suddenly a bit deeper. "I love you darling and even more when you are being bad".
"I love you too, but please get me home now". She couldn't wait to get him alone, knowing they probably wouldn't make it to the bedroom. Not for the first round anyway.

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