The date

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"Melina this isn't going to work if you keep glaring at me like that, you are an actress, so at least pretend that I am funny and charming". Tom said befor taking a bite of his food.
She sighed, of course he was right, she was supposed to looked all loved up, she just wasn't sure she was a good enough actress. "It might help if you actually tried to be funny or charming and not just annoying".
"Touche, even though it might be an impossible job, you are not really responsive". He said sweetly.
Melina took a bite of her food, chewing for a long time, she didn't really knew what to respond, because he was rigth.
"You are from Denmark right ? When did you move her ?" Tom was looking at her, clearly trying to start a conversation.
She swallowed her food and then answered. "Yes, the first time you meet me I had only been here for a couple of days, so that makes it just around a year and a half ago".
"Oh I didn't know, you don't really have an accent, and you didn't have one back then either". He was looking at her intensely, but she knew it was all for the paps.
She took a sip of water. "Thank you, yeah I got lucky, getting my first role that easy, but I was so clueless, I didn't even know you".
"Melina I am really sorry about what happened back then, I really hope you believe that". He grabbed her hand, his thumb stroking hers.
She really wanted to pull her hand away from him, but this was what she was supposed to do. "It is fine Tom, but can we just not talk about it ?"
"Okay fine". He let go of her hand and continued to eat his food, Melina sighed, why did he have to bring that up ?
Tom excused himself and went to the bathroom, Melina continued eating her food, wondering if she could keep this charade up.
"Please don't hit me and try to look like you enjoy this, we have been spotted". Tom's voice was suddenly right by her ear and she almost jumped with surprise.
Then she felt his fingers caress her, running along her hairline and trailing down her neck, sending small electric tingles through her and when his lips touched the skin right beneath her ear she gasped against her will.
She could feel his lips gracing her ear and the his voice whispered teasingly. "Maybe you should have worn a bra with that dress baby, from here you kind of get a full view, not that I am complaining, as I said they are unusually nice".
Melina wanted to cover herself withnher hands or maybe elbow him in the stomach, but that would probably ruin everything, which made her only option to pretend nothing was wrong and keep smiling.
"Don't you want to go finish your food sweetie ?" She glanzed up at him, sending him a sugary smile.
He rolled his eyes, but at least he went back to his own chair and finished up his food.
Melina was relieved when they got up after Tom had paid the bill, but the he grabbed her hand kissing it gently, keeping her hand in his, and lacing their fingers together while walking out to the car.
He gallantly opened her door and waited for her to get in, closing the door after her, before walking around the door, getting in himself.
Melina let out a sigh of relieve, finally this was over and done, hopefully it would be a long time before they needed to do this again.

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