Teasing Tom

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"Come on Anni, I have something absolutely scary to show you". It was the next morning, and Melina ran into Anni on her way into the studio, she grabbed her arm and pulled her along to the outdoor gym.
As she had expected Tom was there again, he was doing push ups and Anni oogled him. "Okay scary is definitely not my first thought right now".
"I was referring to the fact that he is at the gym, he was here yesterday too, he seems to think he has to compete with Simons body or something like that". Melina shrugged.
Anni sighs. "Yeah because he couldn't be trying to impress you, could he ? And you are standing here drooling like a teenager, but noooo there is so nothing between you two".
Melina was just about to say something, but then Simon showed up, taking of his shirt, well he had a good looking body, but Melina found it a bit to much to be honest, and his entire body was smooth and hairless, reminding her of a Ken doll.
She hadn't seen Tom walk over before hearing his voice right next to her. "Maybe we should put up a wet floor sign, as you two are literally slobbering over Simon".
"I better get going". Anni said and hurried away, she wasn't getting in the middle of a nother of their lovers quarrels.
Melina looke up at him annoyed, she hadn't really been looking at Simon, and to be honest she found Tom's body more attractive, but she wouldn't dream of telling him that.
"Maybe I should get a wax or something, women seems to preefer the smooth look now a days". He looked down on his own body and then glanzed over at Simon.
Melina didn't think about it, but put her hand on his chest, it wasn't that he had a lot of hair. A splash on his chest and a trail from his belly button, down into his pants. "Please don't Tom, never do that, some women actually prefer a man to look like a man and not a Ken doll".
He smiled happily but didn't say anything, instead he bent down, letting his lips just ghost over her, before leaving to hit the shower.
The morning went quite well, and Tom seemed a little less hostile toward Simon.
The last scene before lunch, was the first time Melina had to kiss Simon and she was pretty nervous about that.
She grabbed him, kissing him with all she was worth, trying to make it seem believeable, but it was like kissing a brother or friend and she couldn't help thinking that she would prefer to kiss Tom any day over this.
But everyone else seemed convinced, the director told them it was perfect and Simon grinned. "Wow, if every woman kissed like that I might think about switching side".
Anni came over. "Seriously Melina, that was like really hot, did you have to go so far ? Tom was not a happy camper".
"Hot ? It was like kissing my brother, it did nothing for me, not that he is a bad kisser, but there was no spark at all. Where is Tom by the way ?" Melina looked around.
Anni sendt her an apologetic look. "He stalked off, mumbling something about loosing his appetite I think you might wanna give him a bit of space right now".
Simon walked over, looking at Melina. "Could you please help me with my lines during the break ? There is something I like to get your opinion on".
"Of course, we can get some food and go to my trailer to look at it". She didn't want to find Tom right now if he was being moody.
So the went to grab some food and then walked back to her trailer to rehears, she didn't see Tom anywhere, he was probably pouting somewhere.

Melina got out of her trailer, Simon had left a few minutes before, making a stop at his own trailer before getting on set.
"Excuse me, but what the hell has the two of you been doing in your trailer ?" Tom suddenly stepped in front of her and he was pissed.
She looked at him annoyed. "Well excuse me, but whatever does that concern you ?"
"Of course it concerns me, you are supposed to pose as my girlfriend remember ?" He was glaring at her, his eyes dark and angry.
There it was again, that controlling streak. "Yes pose as Tom, but I am not your girlfriend, please try to remember that".
"And how do you think it looks if someone saw you ? What would they think ?" His voice getting louder and he threw out his arms.
It just rubbed her the wrong way that he tried to control her. "They can think what ever they like, it is none of there business either".
Melina knew she could just have explained him what they had been doing, but she just got provoked that he jumped to conclusions like that, thinking the worst of her.
"Let me guess, he is so good at kissing you just had to have more right ?" He was practically fuming now, and if she hadn't been so angry herself, she might actually been scared of him.
Seriously ? What the hell was he thinking of her ? "Oh yes Tom, that was exactly what happened".
"How fucking hard is it to keep you damn legs together ?" He hissed at her through gritted teeth.
She was so close to slapping him, that her palm was twitching, who the hell did he think he was, talking to her like that. "Go Tom, just leave right now".
"Oh I am gonna go, right over to a certain man who should have kept his dirty hands to himself". Tom turned around, walking briskly towards Simons trailor.
Fuck this was getting out of hand, Melina wasn't in any doubt that Tom would actually hit Simon. "Tom stop, he hasn't done anything wrong".
"Haven't done anything wrong ? You might not see our relationship as real, but he doesn't know that, as far as he knows you have a man". He didn't stop.
Melina grabbed his arm. "Tom for Gods sake, nothing happened okay, I was just helping him with his lines".
"Do you seriously want me to believe that now ?" He turned and looked at her, his eyes scanning hers, like he wanted to find out she was telling the truth.
She sighed. "He is gay okay ? The only one he is finding attractive here is actually you, you big idiot".
"Seriously ? You are not just saying that are you ?" He looked like he was deflated, all anger gone.
Melina felt her own anger disappear, she had been taunting him, worked him up. "Yes seriously, you know every time you got you knickers in a twist because we were whispering ? Well it was mostly about you".
"Oh....I have to admit, I really didn't see that coming". He looked really thrown of, running his hand through his hair.
Melina shrugged. "He told me the first day, you know when I showed him where make-up is, or he told me I had a really hot boyfriend, that was kind of a giveaway".
Tom rubbed his temple. "Fuck, I did it again didn't I ? Acted like a bloody idiot, I am so sorry Melina, I didn't mean that, I.. I felt hurt".
"Well maybe a bit, but I should have just told you the truth, and I guess I have been teasing you a bit with Simon". She sent him an apologetic smile.
"Oh do you think you did that ? What was all that making goo goo eyes at him about ?" He was looking at her for an answer.
She shrugged. "Well, what was all that being freaking jealous and playing macho man about ? And the going to the gym ?"
"Hey there is nothing wrong about trying to stay in shape, you certainly didn't seem to mind". He said teasingly.
She looked at him, but then she smiled. "Well I can't really deny that, can I ? But relax a bit, don't want you to end up looking like Simon".
"Why not ? All you women have been talking about is how hot and sexy his body is". He looked at her a bit confused.
She stepped up to him and let her hands run up his arms, until she reached his impressive and strong biceps. "Well it is not bad, but I just prefer something different".
He leaned down, kissing her ever so softly, then he looked into her eyes, smiling. "So we are okay ? You don't hate me anymore than usual ?"
"Nope, not anymore than usual". She said teasingly, then she let go of him and turned to walk on set.

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