Strutting his feathers

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"Sorry Anni, but he is gay". Melina was telling Anni that Simon had arrived and would be in wardrobe in a minute.
Anni rolled her eyes. "Isn't that just typical ? All the good ones are taken or gay. Well at least I can still enjoy looking at that gorgeous body".
"Oh yes definitely, but hey, don't tell Tom, this is a fantastic opportunity to tease him just a bit". Melina said grinning, imagining the fun she could have with this.
Anni shook her head. "Okay I wont tell him. But you two are seriously to much. What are you, like 7 years old ? Is he going to pull you pigtails next ?"
Melina didn't answerthis. Anni had gotten some stupid idea that Tom and her actually liked each other, but just were to stubborn to admit it.
Right then Simon walked in and Melina smiled at him. "Hallo again Simon. This is Anni, she is our wardrobe lady she will take good care of you".
"Hi Anni, so lovely to meet you". Simon shook her hand and Anni blushed and said hi.
Melina sat down on a big box in the corner. There was no shame in enjoying the sight of a hot male body she thought.
While Simone was standing in just his tight boxers, waiting for Anni to bring him a pair of pants in the right size, Tom walked in the door.
"What are you doing hanging around here ? You are changed". He looked at Melina, then he glanced at Simon who had his back to them and then back to Melina.
She just smiled as sweetly as possible. "Just enjoying the view here. I mean, I am just waiting for Anni to finish up".
He snorted, looking annoyed, Simon turned around smiling. "Oh hi again Tom. I am done in a second, so you can get changed".
"Okay fine". Tom flopped down next to Melina, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers. She let him, she could handle that.
When Simon was dressed, Tom jumped of the box and walked over to Anni, making quite a show of taking of his T-shirt. Melina bit her lip to stop a giggle, it was quite evident he was flexing his muscles.
Simon sat down next to her, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. "Can I sit here with you and enjoy the view".
"Of course, it would be a shame not to when he strut his feathers like that". She whispered back with a giggle.
Simon grinned and then whispered. "Oh I think it is kind of cute, he is just getting protective. He is afraid of loosing you".
Melina glanced at Simon, then she watched Tom, who was quite clearly keeping an eye on them, even though he tried to hide it. Simone didn't know it was a sham, so he couldn't be right.
Tom pulled of his jeans, he was wearing really tight boxers today, and they didn't leave much to the imagination, when he was stading with his side to them, Melina bit her lip.
Simon looked at her with big eyes and then whispered. "Wow I can see that you are one lucky girl".
"Oh yes I know". She said, eyeing Tom, who was clearly getting a bit annoyed by all their whispering by now.
Tom put on his clothes and turned towards them. "Well if the two of you are done gossiping like old ladies I think we are waited on set".
"Yeah yeah relax Tom, don't get your knickers in a twist". Melina answered, as she jumped down from the box and walked out the door.
The shoots went well, but Tom was acting uncommonly possessive toward her and only left her side when he had to. Especially not if she was talking to Simon, and she made sure to do that as much as possible.
"Melina this is going to end badly, stop teasing him like that". Anni came over and sat down next to her, she was watching a scene between Tom and Simon.
Of course Melina knew what she was talking about, but she choose to play dumb. "What are you talking about ?"
"Oh you know very well little lady. Tom for Gods sake, he lookes like he is one wrong move away from ripping Simons head of". Anni looked reproachfully at her.
Melina sighed. "He is supposed to, he has to look like he hates him on the show. Why would he have anything against Simon ?"
"Melina stop, it is so clear to anyone else that he is madly in love with you, seriously don't you see it ? Why the hell do you think he is running around acting like some kind of alpha male ?" Anni said.
"No he isn't, stop saying that Anni, he is just jealous because someone is gett getting more attentions". Melina answered, glacing over at Tom, there was no way Anni was right was there ?

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