Tom's big mouth

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"Are you sure darling ? I don't like leaving you here". It was the next morning and Tom was looking at her with uncertainty.
Melina had demanded that he went into do his panels and photo ops, but he wasn't easy getting out the door. "Yes I am sure, a lot of people are waiting for you".
"But what if something happens ? You would be here all alone". He was clearly fighting an internal battle.
She sighed. "I promise to stay in bed , I will be streaming the panels and you can call me every time you have a break".
"And if you feel the least bit sick or scared you call and ambulance and then me or Zac if you can't reach me, promise ?" He looked at her.
She smiled calming. "Yes sweetie, I promise, I am sorry I can't be there as promised, but I look forward to watching you".
"I love you and I wont be late". He bent over the bed, kissing her softly, three times, before letting go.
She pulled of his cap and asked with a smirk. "And this shouldn't happen to be for hiding those gray hairs ?"
"Bah, noZac gave it to me. The least I can do is help him by showing of his products" he said, snapping it from her, and putting it on backwards.
She shook her head grinning, he looked funny with it on and he stuck out his tongue at her, before getting out and closing the door behind him.
Melina relaxed as she had promised and watched everything she could on her ipad, Tom would call her every time he had a 5 minute break.
In the middle of his marvel panel she got a text > Miss you so much my love, hope you are still felling fine <
Melina looked at the ipad screen and then wrote back > Tom please tell me you are not writing me in the middle of a panel ? <
She could see him check his phone and then writing, seconds later the text reached her > Of course not, I would never <
She giggled and wrote him back > Sweetie, I can see you and yes you are, put that phone away this instance and focus on your fans <
He looked up at the camera, looking like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar, then he smiled apologetically and put his phone away.
During the nerd HQ panel the question Melina had dreaded came, some one stod up and said. "I have to ask, because there are so many rumours out there, are you and Melina for real ? Or is it just a showmance ?"
"If it wasn't real then I don't know how on earth I got her pregnant". He answered and Melina gasped, that man needed to learn when to keep his big mouth shut.
Tom looked like he suddenly realised what he had said. "Whoops, fuck now I am in deep trouble, sorry darling it just flew out".
"Is it true ? Is she really pregnant ?" Several people yelled and Zac put up his hands as a sign to make them calm down and let Tom talk.
He looked at the camera, knowing he had said to much but couldn't pull it back. "I guess I shouldn't be sharing this already, but yes we are, I am going to be a fucking dad".
The audience yelled congratulations and clapped and Zac hugged him looking almost as emotional as Tom, who had to dry a couple of tears from his eyes, he was smiling like a loon. "Thank you, but stop, you are making me cry.. No okay go on".
Melina couldn't help smiling, he couldn't help it, he clearly just couldn't keep his happiness inside, he was just a very open person at times.
15 minutes later she got a text from Victoria > Are the rumours true ? Are you pregnant ? <
She sighed and wrote back > Yes and sorry, he wasn't exactly supposed to say anything, I am only 5 weeks <
It only took about a minute before she got an answer > Congratulations sweetie, we got to meet for lunch, what about Wednesday ? <
Melina smiled, she hadn't seen Victoria for a long time, and she answered > That is a date <
At that moment the door opened very slowly and Tom peeked inside. "Is it save to enter ?"
"I am not completely sure, you can give it a try". She answered, throwing a pillow at the door.
"Remember you are supposed to relax darling ?" He tip toed inside, closing the door behind him.
She glared at him. "Seriously Tom, when do you learn to think before you open that big mouth ? Don't you think it was a little early to tell the whole world ?"
"I know, I am really sorry darling, it just flew out, I am not really good at keeping secrets, especially not when I just want to tell the world". He sat down next to her. "By the Way Zac sends his congratulations and said we had to let him babysit".
"Thanks, but not so sure I dare leave my kid with him, she'll just end up a nerd". She put her arms around his waist and laid her head down in his lap. "But you were so extraordinary sweet when you did it, so I forgive you".
"Thank you, I am happy to be forgiven". He answered and his fingers was gently stroking her neck, Melina closed her eyes, sighing with contentment.

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