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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh. Fucking morning. I groan in irritation.

I hate mornings. Why is it so annoying?

I am feeling sleepy, I didn't want to go to school.

I've alot of friends and I'm good at my subjects, teachers love me and almost every student in the school has a good relationship with me. Not to mention but I'm studying in my dream school. Everything is just so perfect in life still something is missing, I mean it definitely it feels like it.

Well I should probably get ready for school now. I don't hate my school but it's just the morning that makes me sick.

I kept talking to myself like a maniac till I saw the clock, It was 8.15am.

Fuck! School starts from 9.30 and I'm late as I need time to get ready.

I ran to bathroom. Brushed my teeth, took a bath, changed clothes, put some makeup, took my books, phone and ran downstairs.

Man I'm hungary but It's 9.15am now, I can't stop to eat breakfast. I said to myself.

I took my car keys, locked my door and drove to school.

The roads were packed with traffic. Monday Mornings in NYC are so busy, Man! This traffic sucks. I groaned.

What I'm gonna do now. It's my first day of last year and I'm stuck in traffic. Wow, what a day to start.

I've heard that Mr. Stewart has left our school because he got a new job in California and some new strict middle aged man has joined. He will be our new english teacher and my first period is english.

Man! I hope he won't be a pain in ass.
I'm late on my first day.

About 9.30, the cars started moving. The feeling of getting out of traffic is really one of the most relaxing feelings in the world.

I drove as fast as I could and reached the school parking. I lost 10 more minutes finding the parking and then I finally reached my english class.

It was 9.50. My heart was beating so fast.
I knocked the door slowly and heard a strict loud voice from inside "Come In".

God, help me be. He must be nuts right now, I said to myself.

I dare not to say a word to him and I ran to the back of the class. I took a seat near my friend Jeremy. He was my friend since my first day in this school. It's been 4years now.

I was trying not to see him atleast for this period but when I did, I was at a loss of words. He was giving lecture on Shakespeare. The look was so mesmerising and breath taking. He had brown silky hair with some greyish shade and brown eyes. He was wearing a perfect white body fitted shirt and a black pant along with white sneakers and damn he was looking hot.

Miss? Are you paying attention to the class?
He said in a stern voice.

And suddenly I was back from my dreams to reality.

Mm, Yeah?

What are you thinking miss? Would you like to share it with the class?

Nothing. I said in a shy manner.

Well, that's a lie and let me make myself clear that I hate liars. First you came 20 minutes late for my class and now you're not paying attention. If you won't stop doing these childish things, I'll make sure that you don't pass your english test.

Woah. That's rude. I mean how could he be such a jerk? I didn't say a word to him and he is killing me with his attitude. Huh? I said to myself.

Well, I'm sorry Sir. I was just wondering that I'm late and I don't even know you're name and the topic you are teaching is one of my favourite topics and I missed the first 20 minutes. Nothing else Sir, and I'm sorry I won't be late again. It was just the traffic.

Umm, That's alright. Don't make me shout at you again. I don't like being jerk to students or the stereotypical teacher. He said in a calm tone.

Yes Sir!

Call me Mr. Downey and meet me after the class, I'll tell you about the first 20 minutes you missed.

Yes Sir. I mean Mr. Downey!

Whole class giggled.
And we both smiled a bit.

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