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After 1year

I woke up and saw Robert sleeping restless on the other side of the bed. I feel so blessed every morning when I see this beautiful man laying besides me. I'm so lucky that I have him. Well, Time flies and life changes.
I'm a graduate now.. I completed my high school with flying numbers and now Robert and I are in a legal relationship. He still teaches at school and I'm doing my masters in Drama and English from New York University. It's been a year since Robert and I get into relationship. This one year was really great.. We went through some situations like my migraine problem, some fights, some family issues but we both made it till the end. I feel like I'm married to Robert. We both live together now. I moved with him and my parents shifted to New York from London. I met Robert's family. They all are really great. My birthday is in 2 days and I have a feeling that Robert is planning something, god knows what.
This is the life I imagined when I first met Robert. We don't always get what we want, life isn't always fair, there are ups and downs still we all manage to move forward but I got what I wanted actually What I needed and if life let me through ups and downs.. I won't step back or stop because I've got such a beautiful family and a understanding, caring adorable,handsome boyfriend. Thinking about my love life I feel complete.. Well, I'm still a virgin unfortunately or luckily maybe.. I don't know. I was ready but I was afraid and Robert made me sure that whenever I'll feel like doing it.. We can.. He never forced himself on me which I think is sad sometimes but he's right from his point of view. I'm kind of shy around him but I know that I'll kill my virginity on my 20th birthday . When I was 16th.. I had a boyfriend and we were about to had sex but her ex girlfriend called and gave him the news that she is pregnant with his baby.. From that day I swear that I won't loose my virginity till 20. I told this to Robert and all he did was fucking laugh. He laughed so hard that he fell on ground and made me laugh too. He assured that day that when I'll be 20, he will come to me for that only if I'm okay with it.. He's such a charm.

Babe? You're awake? Robert said in his deep sleepy voice and make me blow out of my thoughts.

Yeah I woke up few minutes ago. I said. Which was actually half and hour ago. Damn! I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't even realized time passing.

You look beautiful my love. I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I love you so much Shana. Robert said pulling me in his arms. He put the blanket over us and started tickling me in my stomach.

I groaned and laughed so hard.

Aahhhh..Robbie.. Stop.. Noo.. Uhh-
Babe please.. It hurts now.. I started laughing more and more.

He stopped and started kissing me all over my body giving me shiver.

He's so warm and his arms are so tight and perfect. All in shape.

Robbie? I said in a low husky tone.


I'm in love with the shape of you. I said and started laughing again.

Well, thank you Ms. Ed Sheeren fan

Hah! I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

Lets go to your parents. It's sunday.. We'll go for a family outing. He said kissing my eyes.

I can see you involving so much with my family. I'm not blind Robert.. I see you so much around my mom. What are your devil plans? I said in a angry tone making him look shocked.

I laughed inside. I love making pranks on him. He looks so cute when he's in shock or embarrassed.

What the fuck are you saying Shana? Are you mad? Honey I swear to god that it's nothing. I really respect your mom..I've never even thought of that.. I'm not that kind of man. Please believe me. I won't ever do this to you. I love you so much. If you don't wanna go then we won't but trust me there's nothing like that. He said it so fast.. Only in a breath. He is shaking and I can see tears started running down in his cheeks.

I felt so hurt. I shouldn't have done that.

Babe.. I'm really sorry.. I didn't meant to hurt you. I was just joking.. I wanted to make a prank on you and nothing else. I trust you and love more than myself. I'm really sorry Robbie. I said hugging him.

Please never on earth do that again. That hurts. I really love you Shana. He said hugging me back.

Let's go get ready.. We'll go to my parents. I said getting up.

You're sure? I mean if you want to do something else or wanna go somewhere else, we can. Robert said.

No babe. We'll go to my house.

I went to the bathroom and Robert went in the kitchen to have his coffee. He says that his mind don't work without his coffee.

I took a bath and changed in simple Jeans and crop top. I put some makeup and do my hair.

I went downstairs and Robert was laying on couch reading newspaper.

Damn Robert.. I thought you're getting ready. I said in high pitch tone.

Woah! Sorry baby.. I was just reading newspaper.. Sit here and eat your breakfast.. It's on the kitchen counter and I'll go get ready. I'll be back in 20 minutes.

He then ran to his room to get ready and finished my breakfast.. It's about 30minutes since Robert has gone.

Robert? I shouted.

I heard footsteps coming down.

Sorry babe. I'm here. Said Robert.

He is wearing a black shirt and a black pant with white sneakers. His casual and simple look yet so sexy.

Let's go.

We went out, locked the doors and drove to my parent's house.

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