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Hurry up Shana! We're gonna get late because of your fucking hair. Just let it flow and it will look beautiful. Stop making it a bun. Emily shouted from the back, standing on the door, constantly kicking the floor with his high heels making me nervous.

Well, nothing's looking good, what can I do?

That's what I'm saying, let it flow and it will look good. Why can't you understand my words? Are you deaf?

Em' would you please stop making that noise.

What noise?

The damn voice that's coming from the floor. Stop kicking it.

Fuck you! I'm not gonna stop untill you're done with your hair shit. She shouted at me making me flow my hair's straight.

Fine! I'm not gonna make a pony or bun. Is that okay now? I shouted back and she almost jumped on me, pulling me into a hug with a big smile on her face.

Emily is so kiddish sometimes. When she's angry or happy, her nose get reddish and she looks like a clown because she won't stop bragging herself.

I'm wearing this white T-shirt, black ripped denim and I found the old New York High cap, it's still fresh and beautiful. I've loved this cap so much.

Em is wearing this denim shirt and black ripped denim with a pair of brown heels

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Em is wearing this denim shirt and black ripped denim with a pair of brown heels.

I guess we're looking good and all set to live the old school days again. Aren't we Em? I said patting Emily's back.

Hell Yeah! She shouted back making me almost fall on the stairs of outside door.

We said our goodbyes to mom and dad and went straight to the car. Emily sat on the passenger seat and I started the ignition.

I looked at Em and she gave me the devilish look, it got me confused at first but then I came to know that she's talking about hitting the road with full speed and banging boys like the old days in her silent ways.

I sighed a deep and shook my head laughing at her and her teenage ideas. I mean she's married now, she should behave like one.

The school is just 20 minutes away from my house and I'm a little nervous. It's gonna be tough for me. Robert must be there and all the old teachers and students who knows me as Mrs. Downey. Few of them knows about our divorce but most of them are unaware. What I'm gonna say to them. I hope it won't be any problem today.

I'm having this panic attack and Emily is just busy clicking selfies and texting God knows who. I haven't met Tom yet. Emily said that he's out of station for some office work and won't be back till New year. She's so happy with him. I still remember when they first met on my wedding day and all the time they were staring at each other making Robert and me laugh.

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