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After 10 years.

James John Downey, what on earth are you doing with that bottle? I shouted at my 8 year old boy who's playing with the bottle of whiskey.
I wasn't really shouting but I was teasing him and making sure that he won't break the bottle.

Why are shouting at my little baby boy, Mrs. Downey? Robert said and laid down near him, wrapping his arms on James's stomach.

They both were looking so adorable.

Well, ask your boy Mr. Downey. He is playing with a bottle and he could break it and hurt himself but how could you see that? You're so blind in love that you don't even care if he gets hurt. I passed the taunt cleaning the mess my little boy and girl has created.

Well, First of all; I do care and Second that stop that taunting my love. You know that makes me cozy and horny.

Robert! Shut-up. You're kid is here. I shouted at him.

Talking about kids, wait. Where is Vanessa?
Robert made a mad face getting up from the carpet.

Not to worry, Colin took her for an ice cream.
As you know Larry and Vanessa are of same age and the best friend's.

And yes! I'm sure that Larry and Vanessa will make out someday and also that they will marry each other.  I said playfully.

And I'm sure, that day will be the worst day of Larry's life. He dare touch my daughter and I will break bones. Robert gave me the stare.

You dare touch my god son and I will make you suffer in hell Robbie. I winked back.

He started laughing.

Do you believe it Robert? It's been 10 years.
We finally have a family of ours.
A 8 year's old son and 6 year's old daughter.
I wrapped my arms around him and sat on the carpet where James was playing with his new piano.

There are two things that I am thinking right now Love. Said Robert.

And what is that? I asked.

That I can't believe it's been 10 years and that we have our own kids and also a god son and god daughter and second that my son is going to a very talented and famous pianist.

Haha! Yes he sure will.
And Yes, I'm happy that Colin found someone he deserves. You remember when he broke the news that he finally met someone and getting married? It was all of a sudden. And soon after months we got to know that Meghan is pregnant. That bastard kept the secret so perfectly. I said and laughed.

Well, Indeed. And you remember when Larry was born and he asked us to be his God parents, I felt so proud.

Yes and I felt proud too when Tom and Emily broke the same news 4 years back. She came running in heavy rain asking to be Paula's god mother. I was so happy.

Yes I remember. Looking back, I only see happy days and moments and not the dark days and I also want you to only remember the good days. Forget about the days that still haunts you. I want you all happy and together.

We were talking and the doorbell rang.

It was Colin and Meghan with Vanessa and Larry and also Emily and Tom with Paula.

Woah! Where did you guys meet? Or is this a strange coincidence?

Well, we came to surprise you.
Happy wedding anniversary Mr. And Mrs. Downey.

We all laughed.

Thank you guys! Robert and I said in unison.

Daddy!! Mommy!! Hug me. Vanessa started shouting and Robert hugged her.

We all sat in the living room watching all the 4 kids playing together and remembering the good old days.

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