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*Knock Knock*
*Room Service*

I can hear the knocks on the door but I'm really not in the mood to get up and open it, I'm so tired from last night.
Well, last night was the best night of my entire life. I celebrated my 20th birthday with my whole family, Robert proposed me and soon we're getting married and the most awaited thing happend. I can still feel the small moans and the warmth of his body. The sex was amazing, I can recall all the small things that happend yesterday night and I'm happy that I lost my virginity to the man I love not some school or college teen guy.


I'm so in love with you Teresa Elsie Andrews, Let's go have some fun tonight. Dad shouted on the mic and smirked to mom. Well he is kinda drunk.

Hell no.. You're gonna go and get some fucking sleep. You're drunk James. Mom shouted back.

Well.. I think we all should go and sleep as it's 3.00am in the night. We have to party tomorrow too. Robert said taking the mic from dad and holding him tight as he was boozing and he almost puked on Robert.

I never thought that dad and Robert will became good friends. Dad is 8 years older than Robert.

Let's go honey. Everyone thank you so much for joining us tonight. Now get some rest and we'll have to enjoy us tomorrow too. Mom said and thanked everyone.

Robert went with mom and dad to their room for helping mom with my drunk dad, I decided to wait for Robert in the lobby. I was roaming in the hotel lobby and I suddenly bumped into a tall guy.

Ouch! I'm sorry, it's my fault I didn't saw you. I said rubbing my head. He is very tough, he got strong muscles and I can see from the corner of my eye without looking at his face that he is sexy cause you know a girl can guess from the body structure that is the guy hot or regular. Hah!

Well.. You don't have to be sorry cause I was moving fast and I didn't saw you coming. I'm sorry if I hurt you. It wasn't intentional. He said patting my shoulder and trying to rub my head where I hit his perfect shoulder.

I finally checked out his face and omfg he is totally a sexy dude of the planet but not more than my Robert but still he got the fire in his eyes. I think he is a model or something. His eyes are green and he got long dark hair. His jawline is so sharp and perfect. Wait.. Shana.. Wtf? You're getting married soon and you're totally drooling over some random guy you just bumped into. So bad.

Hey? You're okay? He interrupted and blow me out of my thoughts.

Yeah.. I'm fine. That's okay.. So why were you moving so fast? I asked trying to calm the flirter in me.

Well.. I was actually calling my friend and there is no network so I thought why not use the reception for some interrogation. He said laughingly. Btw I must say that you got really beautiful deep eyes. It's like magical. I mean I've never seen eyes like yours before. He said and started blushing.

Well.. Hell no.. Is this guy now flirting? We don't even know each other but we don't get to know someone for flirting. He looks cute though.

Ah! Um- yeah thanks.. Btw even I was about to say that you're eyes and jawline are really perfect.. Are you some model? I asked in the casual calm tone.

Well.. I was but few years back I quit modelling because of some heart breaking reason and now I'm a music teacher at California high school. I was fond of music at my college times. He said with a you-know-i-am-so-good-at-everything look.

Well.. That's nice. A handsome teacher over which all the girls must be drooling. I said and started laughing. He also laughed with me.

Man, even his laugh is so sexy.
I think I should help him out finding his friend's room.
Well you can use my cell phone. I've no problem.

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