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Robert's Pov

Everything went by so fast. Days passed and I haven't seen her or heard anything about her. I guess the last time I saw her was our final ending. I had this feeling of getting together since the day she left but I guess I was wrong. Nothing's gonna happen and she's gonna marry soon. I won't be even get to meet her and tell her that how much I love her and miss her. She's the only women who rules my heart. Ally is my good friend. Shana thinks that I'm in a relationship with Ally but the truth is that she's just my close friend, a girl who was there when I was falling apart to hold me and paste my broken pieces back. I know Ally is my student and about my daughter's age only if I'd had one, but she was there when I needed someone and she is the carbon copy of Shana, I really like spending time with her. Yeah everyone thinks that we're kinda together because I'm always with Ally and we're always so close and second she did all that typical girlfriend stuff in front of Shana and her group. I wish I could tell her that she's the only one I really love and never gonna stop loving.

I was talking to myself untill Stacy came with reunion papers. So it's finally the reunion time. Maybe Shana's gonna be there. It will be nostalgic seeing her again in the school corridors wearing old school shirt.
I put the theme of old school dress because I wanted to live that moment once again for the last time cause after that I don't know if I'll see her or not or she'll marry Colin. It's the last time, I'm gonna see my Champion, my love, but I'm not sure if the students gonna wear the old school shirt  or not cause it's almost possible that they would've lost it. I sighed a deep and signed the papers Stacy gave me.

Soon after lunch break, I went to the ballroom and the other rooms to see if the preparation is going well or not. I went by Shana's old classroom and it's same as it used to be back in her time. I tried to make everything according to that year. As much as I remember, her class was used to shine like stars with the shining star stickers on the ceiling and the wall painting of Shakespeare and Wordsworth.

I was looking at everything and remembering the good old days untill Stacy interrupted.

Excuse me Mr. Downey? We've find the old desks and benches from the store and it's all full with scratches and old couple names. Would you like to put them here? I think that will be nostalgic for them. Stacy said.

Not a bad one Stacy. Put them here and make sure that it's all clean, not a mess. I said and started walking out.

Ah! Excuse me Mr. Downey, would you mind if I ask you something? Stacy asked stuttering.

It depends, anyways shoot.

As far as you know, I don't know much about your personal life but after I came here and saw you broken hearted, I asked some staffs about you and they said that your wife left you and all. But is it true that you married one of your students?

I was blank for a minute, I don't know how to react. I mean it's not some insulting question, or is it? I said to myself.

Well, why you wanna know?

Because I found one of these desks where it is written, Downey and Andrew, Forever, 2007, with lots of hearts.

Wait, that desk is still here? I thought that's thrown away or something. I remember that day. It was the graduation day. She wrote that with a geometric insturment. We announced our relationship to her classmates and before leaving the building, we went to this classroom and had a make out session for the last time and then she wrote,

"Downey&Andrew Forever-2007"

It's beating, her memories and all those special things that we shared together are still beating in my heart.

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