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Okay.. So today is the day.. I'm getting discharged from hospital today.. I'm glad I don't have to eat tasteless hospital food anymore. I smiled to myself.

Hey babe. You're ready? Robert asked while kissing my cheeks.

God damn! I love this feeling.. Whenever he kiss me or hug me It gives shiver to my whole spine.

Yes. All set. I smiled at him.

In exact 5minutes the doctor and the nurse came with a wheelchair..

Okay Ms. Andrews sign these papers and you're free to go. Don't try to walk till one month otherwise it will cost you. We will cut your plaster after one month till then Take care.

Thanks doctor. I will take good care of her. She won't move her fat ass on herself. Robert chuckled.

They all laughed except me. I gave a death stare to Robert but he smiled at me and gave me a small wink.

I blushed.

He knows how to treat a badass maniac like me.

I got on the wheelchair, all set to go to home.

Ready for the ride ma'am?

Yes captain.

We both laughed and went to the car.

Robert took me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

Babe.. I promise I'll never let you down but right now you have to get your fat ass down on the seat cause' your god damn heavy.
What did they gave you to eat all these days.
He said while laughing and setting me on the passenger seat.

I'm not fat you sweet little dork. I winked at him.

He finally started driving..

Sir? I said in a low tone.

How many times I've to tell you Shana, not to call me Sir? Call me Robert, babe.

Yeah Yeah .. My old angry man..

Don't you dare call me that.. I'm not old as you know.. I'm just 35. Young and sexy.

Yeah whatever. I want to go to starbucks and have a donut and coffee. I've lost my tongue taste because of that disgusting hospital food.

Okay.. I'll get that for you my Love.

We stopped by Starbucks and Robert brought me coffee and donut and we went to my house then.

We reached my house in 15minutes, the drive was silent.. I ate my donut and drank my coffee.. It was so relaxing, out of the hospital..

Finally!!! I shouted while we stopped by my house.

Oh really? Finaalllyyy.. Robert mimicked my words.

I chuckled.

He again took me in his arms and take me in my house.

Damn! I missed this place so much..
He set me on the couch and brought all my bags from the car.
He sat near me.. Resting his head on shoulders. He looks so cute when he's tired.

Mr. Downey?


Thank you so much for taking care of me all these days.

My pleasure Ms. Andrews. By the way it was my duty to take care of my girlfriend. Do I need thank you for taking care of my life?
He said while kissing my cheeks.

I smiled and kissed back on his lips.
He started kissing my neck and sucking on it, earning a small moan from me. He smiled into my neck and he went up to my lips. I put my arms around his neck as he massaged my lips with his and I opened my mouth slightly to let his tongue on. I swear over our tongues got stuck together.
After a while he pulled himself away, looked in my eyes, he smiled and took me in his arms just like bridal style and went upstairs in my bedroom. He lightly laid me on the middle of the bed. I was very nervous. This was it. I wasn't going to be a virgin anymore in a little bit. I'm about to loose my virginity to my teacher who is 17years older than me and I don't regret this, not even a little. I loved this man more than anything in the world.

He got on top of me again. He kissed my neck and the collarbone. He lightly ran his tongue down to my chest and slowly pulled my shirt off, leaving me in my bra. I started breathing heavily. This was really happening. I want this, but uh I don't know.

Are you sure baby you want this? He asked.

I nodded and pulled his face to mine and pecked his lips.

I'm sure, I whispered.

Wait, let me get a condom, he opened his wallet and took out a packet of condom.

You always carry condoms with you? I asked jokingly.

Yes. After you became mine. He smiled and slowly put that on.

He then lifted me up and unhooked my bra.
He eyed my chest for a minute.

"Baby you're perfect". He said smiling and grabbing one of my boob, lightly squeezing it. He bent down and licked the other boob, his tongue circling my nipple.
I leaned my head back and let out a small loan. He then pulled of my pants.

Are you ready babe? He asked.

I nodded.

He bent down again and kissed me while pressing my boobs.

He then pulled down my underwear slowly.

We both were laying there, my teacher, I now call my boyfriend, whom I am in love with, naked.

I screntched my nose in pain.

Am I hurting you baby? He asked.

I shook my head "NO".

I then thrusted myself into his little member. We both gasped at the feeling. He kept om going in and out of me, gaining speed.

I loved the feeling of him in me.
He was warm. It was a hard feeling to describe. He had his head in my neck and he was breathing heavily into it.

Shana.. Baby.. Oh my god.

Robert.. I moaned.

I felt my walls tighten around him. We both started moaning so loud that I swear the whole neighbourhood heard us. Robert finished inside me and he fell to the side of me on the bed.

He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me.

Shana.. Baby you were amazing.. I love yoy so fucking much.

I love you too Robert.

You're My Life, Sir! *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now