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Robert's Pov

I don't know what to do, I don't know what principals do. My assistant gave me these papers and told me to read them and sign them. Well, I did as she said but I'm not feeling good. I'm feeling tired, not physically but mentally. I sighed a deep in disappointment realising that how alone I am. I don't have someone to call mine. I don't have someone with whom I can enjoy life. I miss her. I miss her a lot. I'm on the verge of crying and then I heard a knock on the door. Well, being the new principal of the school, I gotta take my shit together and stop crying in front of my students and staff for fuck's sake. I quickly arranged my desk where my wedding photos and some papers were scattered. I still put my wedding day photo frame on my desk. It makes me feel good at some point. I called the person in.
It was her. The yesterday girl. The girl who got her eyes and damn face. What her name was? I don't really remember her name but I  do remember one thing and that's she an Andrew.

May I come in Sir? She asked.

Yes, come! How can I help you?

I've been dismissed from Ms. Laurens class and she sent me here. She said rudely without even looking at me. I can see her eyes are wandering on my desk, on my photo with Shana.

Well, you may have a seat and may I know why were you dismissed? I said pointing my hand on the chair, offering her a seat.

It was nothing. She was being bitchy with me so I said that she must be having some bad stomach problem and that she stinks. She said and started giggling.

I couldn't hold my laughter and I burst out. I saw she was looking at me with those brownish eyes and a sweet smile on her face. It was melting me from inside. She has something in her that tells me what I've been missing all these years. I soon held myself back and started the teacher-principal convo.

I'm sorry but Ms. Andrews, talking to your teacher like that and swearing in the classroom is prohibited I guess, so you got yourself a 2 hours of detention after school with me.

That's acceptable, I know I did wrong but trust me Mr. Downey, she was being bitchy around me just because the famous boy of the class ignored her words and walked to me, held my hand and asked me for a date and he was so hot that I couldn't said no and that somewhere hurt Ms. Laurens ego. I hope you know a lot about her already so I don't need to tell you more. She said laughing.

Wow! So now you're being cocky in front of your principal, that's great, now you earn yourself a second detention for tomorrow after school.

Wow! You're an asshole Mr. Downey, you know that?

That's enough Ms. Andrews. You may go and sit with the Counsellor for next one hour and that's your punishment for today. I smirked at her and she did the same blowing my mind into air.

I see her walking out and waving a bye at me making my heart go wild, after a long time I've felt something, something so powerful, something I can think of living again with happiness.

What- Wait? Robert, you're fucking out of your mind, you're just liking her because she's just like Shana. She damn reminds you of her and that's why your heart beats more than usual. She reminds you of how much you loved Shana, how the things were when Shana was here, when we both used to meet in school. She reminds me of the old me.
I hold the photo frame and kissed it, put it down and called Stacy, my assistant. I told her to bring the admission file of Ally. Stacy told me that she's a new transfer.
Stacy gave me her papers and I started going through it. Her papers shows that she has been a pain in ass in the last school. She has been suspended a lot of times because of her rebel nature. Well, seems it's all right, I just saw the trailer in front of me few minutes before. I sighed and started thinking something I can't describe. I'm thinking of Shana. I've realized that I love her more than anyone and anything in the world but I can't have her back so I'll fucking move on now. It's what the best for me.

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