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My eyes opened in a white room.
I looked around and it seems like I was in some hospital. My head feels thick and eyes are heavy. I tried to get up but my body isn't supporting me. It's weak and fragile, I can feel it.
I laid there staring the wall remembering how Robert kissed her. How he pulled her close. How much happy he looked with her.
Tears running from the side of my eyes. I took a deep breath and exhale it out with a deep sigh. I laid there like a dead body without saying a word.

The door opened and a doctor came in with a nurse behind him. They asked me questions about how I'm feeling and all but I didn't really wanted to answer so I just turned my face to another side ignoring them. They checked my pulse and heart beat rate and left. As soon as they left, my parents came in but I really don't want to talk. Dad kissed my forehead and so do mom. They didn't said much, just sat besides me.

Dad? I asked.

Yes honey, I'm here.

Did Robert came in here?

The moment I asked him this question, his face turned white and there was a cold shocked expression.

Why you ask? He replied.

Cause I saw him, he saw me and then I don't really remember what happend. If I'm here in hospital he must've visited.
He came to meet me, didn't he? I asked with a hope that he'll say yes but..

Tell me dad! He came, didn't he?

No Shana! He didn't.
You were brought here by Emily and some guy named Colin, which he said he us friends with you.

I laughed.
I laughed in pain, tears running down my cheeks and heartbeats are increasing.
I laughed until it turned into crying.
I started shouting and crying out loud.

Mom and Dad tried to calm me down but no.
They can't help me. No one can.

I cried till my eyes get tired and I slept.

I woke up few hours later, and saw Colin sleeping on the chair.

I'm tired of everything now. I don't deserve him. If he's happy with her then I will never ever try to meet him or contact him.
So I guess this is the end. I never stopped loving and I won't ever but I'll try not to be a part of life anymore.
I was talking to myself untill Colin woke up and came to me.

Hey Shana! You're awake. How you feeling?
He asked kissing me on the forehead.

I'll be better soon. I replied.

Look, whatever happend last night was destiny and what Emily said about him, that he is trying to make you jealous or whatever was wrong because if he really loved you, he would have came with us here last night or at least showed up here in the morning but no, he didn't. I'm not saying that you shouldn't love him or you should hate him, I don't even know the whole story but trust me if the girl I loved would've been fainted in front of me. I would've never left her alone.
You faint there and he looked at you and left. We took you here and the doctors said you've had a trauma.

He left? Didn't even came to me?

I'm sorry but no, he didn't.

Colin's each word stabbed me in my heart and it was all burning. He held my hands and just shake his head in a motion of saying that I'm here for you.

After 1week

I came home last night from hospital.
These 6-7 days changed me a lot in way I never thought I would be. Colin was there for me each and every minute, we get to know each other more. I waited for Robert to show up but he didn't. I accepted the fact that he finally moved on and why not? He deserves to be happy. Emily told me that She saw Robert in a cafe with that girl. Emily asked Tom about her but neither did he knew. He said that Robert said she's his student and a good friend but I don't think so. Well, leaving my past behind I'm moving on with Colin. We're kinda together now. Colin asked me to be his girlfriend two days ago with a surprise party at the hospital and I started liking him in all these days so I said yes and now I'm his actual official girlfriend. He asked me out for a date night and I said yes. Everyone was happy that I decided to move on finally but I know how much empty and dead I am from inside.
If I really loved him, I'll let him go.
I'm finally moving forward. It was hurting but Colin made it easy for me. He was there.

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