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I woke up with a really bad headache.
My head was spinning so bad.
Man! Why on earth I get drunk this much..
As I hold my concious I realized that this isn't my room. It is a big white room, well furnished and full of movie posters and wall paintings.. I was trying to remember what the hell happend last night.. I was on this big kind size bed. I tried to search my phone, but I couldn't. I saw Mr. Downey's picture on the table near bed, I was shocked and suddenly the whole flashback ran through my head. What i did.. What i said.. The kiss.. Everything is in front of me rightnow and I'm shaking.. I can see my hands are cold and skin is getting pale.. I'm shaking..
I get out of the bed and saw myself in the big front mirror.. I wasn't in my clothes and my hair was all messy.. My heart was beating so fucking fast.. I was afarid.. I was afraid of loosing my virginity.. I mean I like him and if he would've been my boyfriend I wouldn't mind loosing it to him but I wasn't even sure that he likes me or not.. He's my teacher.. What if i got pregnant? What will i say to my parents? What will i do? He could loose his job and get arrested? I will be suspended.. Oh my god.. I was freaking out and suddenly i heard someone knocking the door.. I was scared.. The door opened and it was Mr. Downey.. I sigh in a little relief but I was still shaking and I was so afraid that my face was all saying it.. He came with a mug of coffee.. Gave it to me and he rub my shoulders.. I felt warm and secure.. I was stuttering and hesitating but I still managed to ask..

Mm.. Mr. Downey.. Thanks for the coffee but can you please tell me what happend?
The only thing i remember is the kiss and all those things i said to you in the club.. Look Mr. Downey I'm really sorry for what i did or what i said.. I'm sorry but I won't ever bother you again.. I know you hate me but Mr. Downey I'm sorry.. I won't ever do it again.. I said with tears in my eyes.. My voice was weak and saking.. I didn't even realized that I was crying while saying all these things.

Apology accepted miss but please don't cry.. I can't see you crying like this.. You don't deserve this. You're a bright student and a good person.. You've got a beautiful soul and you're perfect just as you are. I don't hate you Shana. I really don't. Instead of hate, I like you. You're a good women. He said while hugging me.

I was kind of happy that he called me a women not a girl like other people cause I'm really a women now.. I'm 18 turning 19.
I was feeling so good in his arms. I hugged him back but not in a wrong way. It was a casual hug. I know my limits and I'm not even drunk rightnow.

Hey! You're coffee is getting cold.. Drink it. I gave you a hot coffee, dont make it a cold coffee. He said smiling.

Man! This smile. This damn smile. He's so perfect.. I want him. I want to love him. I want to feel him. I want him to be there with me for ever.

Hello? Shana? Are you listening to me? He said while shaking my head with his hands.

I laughed and said Yes Mr. Downey.

We both went down in the living room.. There was a sweet silence.. It wasn't bad. He was sitting on couch reading newspaper and I was sitting on the sofa near him drinking my coffee. It was so good. Atleast he knows what a women wants. Then I realized I'm not in my clothes not even in my house.. What actually happend? And where the fuck is my phone?..

Mm.. Mr. Downey?

Yes darling?

Woah!!  He just called me darling.. Oh my god, I can't believe he just called me darling.. My heartbeat is getting really fast.. I was trying to catch my breath.. I'm so happy..

Mr. Downey, may I know what happend? Why I'm here.. In your house.. Sleeping in your bed and wearing your clothes?.. I asked hesitatingly.

He laughed. He didn't said a word and that makes me more scared and curious.

I again asked.. Mm.. Mr. Downey?
May I know please? It's making me mad.

Well, if you're thinking that we had sex last night then you're absolutely wrong. He said in a low voice but he was chuckling.

I was stuttering.. I managed to ask again that why I'm wearing his clothes and where is my phone and what actually happend.

He put the newspaper down and looked at me. Then he told me about the whole story.
He said..
Last night.. Whatever you said and did.. Afterthat you puked and went unconcious..
You puked and slipped..
All your clothes get dirty and it was smelling, i tried to wake you up but you was so drunk that all you could do is murmuring my name and nothing else. So I decided to take you with me as you live here alone and I don't know your address.
I called my Sister Amanda, she lives near here with her husband.
I said I need help with you.. And so she came.. I took you to my bedroom and gave her my clothes.. She changed your clothes and I tell her the story that you were at the club and suddenly you bumped into me and felt on the ground. And yes you're phone is in charging.

All I could manage to say was a "Oh".

He again laughed and said..
Don't worry Shana.. I'm not a pedophile, I won't take advantage of any girl when she's not even in a conscious mind. And whatever happend last night was not in your hand. You were drunk.. And I'm sorry that I kissed you back.. I was not drunk.. I kissed you back and I'm sorry for that.

I was shocked.. He is such a gentlemen. He is so perfect. I'm falling for my teacher and I don't regret it.

Mr. Downey, thankyou so much.

Oh Shana. Mentiom not. It was my duty. You're my student. And I like you so much. I will never let anyone hurt you not even youself.

I was shocked. I'm trying to understand that what's happening.

**phone rings**

And yeah.. You're friend Jeremy is calling you from last night. I didn't recieved the call cause that could have created problems.

Yeah. Thanks Mr. D..

I went to my phone..
*50missed calls* *32 messages* *10 voice mails* all from Jerry.

Man! Jerry really loves me. He's such a perfect bestfriend. I love him so much.

I called Jeremy..
*Tring Tring*

Hey Jerry!

What the Fuck Shana?
Where the hell have you been?
I was so fucking afraid and worried..
I tried to find you almost everywhere in this fucking city and I was about to file a FIR in the police station.. How could you be so irresponsible? Where the fuck were you? Say you motherfucking idiot..

Woah! Woah! Jerry calm the fuck down!!
I know you care but please listen. I'm not a kid. My jerr--

No you listen.. You're not a kid I know but you always behave like that.. You almost killed me.

Aww! I love you Jerry!.. I giggled.
Don't worry.. I'm fine. I'm at Mr. Downey's.

What? What are you doing there?

I told Jeremy the whole story.. And after 15min of question-answer.. He calmed down.

Okay! I trust you.. Now go home, take a bath and rest.. You don't have to come school today.
I'll come to meet you after school and we'll go out for dinner.. Is that okay with you?

Yeah! Perfect!.. Thanks Jerry..

Love ya chipmunk. C ya later..


**phone call cut**

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