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Robert? Where are you? Come fast please. I murmured sitting in the waiting area of New York international​ airport, waiting for Robert to show up.

It's 6.50, there plane is about to land and god knows where this man is.

*Tring Tring*
*Tring Tring*
*Tring Tring*

Where the hell are you Mr. Downey? And why the hell you aren't picking the damn phone? It's 6.55, you promised you'll be here.

Well I'm supposed to give Mom Dad a surprise. I came to pick them up.. It's a surprise for them.

*The International 404 Flight From England Has Landed, All The Passengers Are Requested To Move in Slow and Follow The Airport Rules*

They're here.. They're here.. I shouted in excitement.

Mom!Dad! I shouted and ran to them.

Mom..Dad.. I missed you guys so much. I said hugging them both. I started crying the happy tears.

Aww..Hun.. We missed you too but what are you doing here? I mean it's a great surprise.

Yes. I thought to give you guys a surprise by recieving you both here at the airport. I said with a big smile on my face.

That's really great darling. Dad said giving me a kiss on forehead.

Ms. Andrews? What has happend to you? You look so skinny and weak.. Don't you eat and sleep properly? Mom asked giving me a death look.

Awh.. The mommy thing. Yes. I'm alright.
Just suffering from some bad headaches from few weeks, nothing else.

What hunnie? Why didn't you tell us? Both asked together while dad kissing my forehead.

Mom! Dad! I'm fine. Let's go now.

Let's go hire a cab. Dad said.

Well, we don't have to. I'm here with a car already.

From where?

It's my friend's. I borrowed it.

Oh. Okay..

We went outside. Dad put all the luggage in the back and we started driving.

So sweetie.. Who's your friend? Mom asked suspiciously.

Well.. It's Robert's second car as he has 4 cars. He's really fond of sports car but I can't tell them right now.

Mm.. Well, mom..Actually it's my teacher's car.. I borrowed for one night and he didn't mind giving me cause he already has 3 more cars. I said in a casual tone.

Then why'd you tell it's your friend's before?
Mom asked again with a suspicious look on her face.

Well, mom I just thought you'll mind but leave all this. We've met about after 1year and all you're talking is about shits.

Language Shana. You're an adult but that doesn't mean you can use bad language. You're still our little kid. Dad said.

Yeah. Yeah. Fine Dad.

So we're heading home.. You guys get some rest.

After 2 hours of driving we finally reached home.

Let's go guys. Hop in.
I helped dad with the luggages and mom opened the doors.

Shana. Darling this is so nice.. Everything is just so perfect. You're a good housekeeper.
Mom said moving around in the living room and the kitchen.

Mom- It's my home obviously I'll take care of it but that doesn't mean I'm some housekeeper. I said acting I'm kinda hurt with your words.

Hah! Leave. Btw look at these pictures. You've made a photo wall. Mom said looking at the photo frames hanging on the wall.

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