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Mom finally adjusted the tiara and gave me a teary eye look. I sighed and looked in the mirror. I'm looking pretty nice.

I wore the same dress that I wore on my first wedding.
What a destiny, I'm getting married again and with the same man and in the same dress and at the same place.

I was shocked when Robert booked everyone the flight tickets to Hawaii. It's so nice of him to care about everyone and make me feel special but he didn't had to throw this much money.

Mom? I asked.

Yes darling?

I'm nervous. Past is repeating itself, here we are back in Hawaii for my second wedding with the same man, isn't it so funny? I chuckled.

Yes Honey, it is funny that Robert wanted to get re married at the same place but it's so nice of him. He loves you so much Shana.
We never told you, but Robert never even tried with another women, the day you left was the worst day of his life, he met into an accident and brutally injured. We all went to hospital and he was unconscious but he was still murmuring your name. Our heart broke. We thought of calling you but it was worthless, the way you left was horrible and we thought you wouldn't wanna come back.
When Robert woke up, he was in a horrible state, he asked us not to tell you anything. He made us promise that we won't ever tell you anything about him and that's why we never talked about him in front of you but when you came back as horrible as he was, we thought it's going to end bad if you both will come in front of each other and that's why on the day of party when I saw you in his jacket, I burst out. I have seen him crying and sobbing and that's why I didn't wanted you to do anything that could hurt him more. I'm sorry Shana, I'm sorry baby.
Mom said and started crying.

I was gobsmacked, I didn't knew how to react. I almost killed the man I loved the most, how could I do this to him. I don't deserve him. I couldn't hold my tears and I burst out.

I'm sorry Mom, I'm so sorry, I know I deserve to rot in hell, I don't deserve him but I love him more than anything in the world. I love him so much mom that it hurts.

I hugged mom tightly and started crying.

I know honey and he loves you too, more than he could ever tell.

You both are meant to be together. You know that, right? Now stop crying. It will hurt him more to his bride crying on their wedding day.

Okay? Now stop crying love. Mom caressed my face and gave me a peck on cheeks.

Why the hell my daughter is crying on her wedding day?

Dad came from back looking all worried.

Nothing dad, just the emotional phase.

We love you Darling, and we are so happy to see you both together again. Nothing could compare the happiness I'm having right now. You both deserve each other and meant to be together.

Hah! I chuckled. Mom just said the same.

Yes because that's what truth is. Said Mom.

Okay now ladies, it's time.

Shall we go? Dad gave me his arm and I held it tightly.


Yes love?

Where's Emily?

Oh he is with Tom. He came few minutes ago and he is with Robert.


I was getting all nervous and my palms were sweating.
Dad stopped at the entrance and gave me a peck. I looked at Robert, he was crying.

I looked at dad and he also had tears in his eyes and mom was sobbing.

I know it's an emotional time but stop crying guys! I thought at myself but the irony is that I also had tears in my eyes.

I took a deep breath and dad walked me down the aisle.

Robert gave me his hand and helped me stand straight on the stage, he knows that I'm not comfortable in such gowns and heels.

He gave me a big grin and a wink but with teary eyes.
I gave him a big smile with blushing eyes and dimples.

The father started the ceremony.

Please hold hands.

Do you Robert John Downey Jr. take  Shanaya James Andrews as your newly wedded wife?

I do.

Do you Shanaya James Andrews take Robert John Downey Jr. as your newly wedded husband?

I do.

Do you Robert Downey John Jr. vow to always take care of her and love her?

I do.

Do you Shanaya James Andrews vow to always take care of him and love him?

I do.

Do you Robert John Downey Jr. vow to stand by her your whole life?

I do.

Do you Shanaya James Andrews vow to stand by him your whole life?

I do.

I do now pronounce you two husband and wife.

You may kiss your bride now.

Robert looked at me and we kissed.

With that.. We were stuck with each other for the rest of our lives.

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