Chapter 48

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Robert's POV

I thought you guys were together. Everyone was betting over you guys and the way Ally was behaving made everyone sure about you two. What was all that about? She barked at me making everyone laugh but I started sweating.

Well you know, I was kind of attracted to Ally when we spent some time, she reminded me of you, and of course because of the name she had and the pain I was going through made it warm for me. When I went to drop her home, I don't how Shana and I'm sorry but I kissed her and in return I thought I will get one which indeed I got but only for few seconds and then she pulled back leaving me embarrassed. I immediately apologized and she started laughing and then she asked me why I did that. I was out of words but in the coffee shop where we were sitting, I told her about you, about us and that how much I love you.
She understood that it was a mistake. She later told me that she is intrested in girls. I said and sighed in embarrassment.

I looked at Shana, she was blank, staring me and holding her laugh back. I threw my hands in air as a sign of okay I know I am a git and everyone burst in laugh.

It was really a warm feeling, watching her laugh and she was constantly kissing my cheeks and pulling me into hugs, her soft hair was all over my shoulder, she wrapped her body against mine and damn she was smelling like jasmine, the smell was intoxicated and it made me want her more. She was warm, her laugh made me comfortable, her shining eyes showed me that how much she still loves me. Her kisses told me that how happy I am now. I still don't believe that just in one day, just in a moment, everything changed. Our lives turned. I'm hell sure now that destiny and fate are very strong phenomena, it's not just a strong word but also a practicality of life.

In that moment, I realized I've regained my life. I was a dead person when she left and now when she's back, I can't express how happy I am.

I didn't realized that watching her wrapped in my arms and the whole family happy and back together, i started crying. Tears started falling down my eyes and I was sobbing untill she rubbed my neck and cupped my face and kissed the tip of my nose.

I'm sorry Robert, I'm sorry for being such a hypocrite, selfish and self centered bitch.
I've always loved you and I realized the moment I stepped into my apartment back in London. That wasn't home, that wasn't what I wanted, but I was so embarrassed and scared of coming back. I was left with no choice. I'm so sorry Honey, I swear I will never ever leave you again. I'll die in your arms, I will be with you untill the wheels fall off Robert. She said and kissed my lips.

I love you too Shana, much more than I could ever express and second you're not a bitch so don't ever dare call yourself that. I forgave you the moment I saw you in the club.

Well, Robert! Colin cleared his throat from the back gaining our attention.

Yes Colin?

You didn't tell us that why you were with Ally when you guys weren't together and that you introduced her as your companion I suppose. She was all over you during the party and I think in the club, she even kissed you. You guys were dancing and almost clinging over each other. Pray tell what was all that about? Colin asked with a serious face leaving me a bit scared. It made me a bit uncomfortable.

Ah Yes! How could I forget, the club scene, yes Robert, pray tell what was all that about? Now Shana was eyeing me suspiciously as I was lying. Damn women!.

Well Yes Robert, I also want to know, I asked Tom if he knew anything about the girl but he said you didn't tell him anything about what's happening in your life. Emily snapped.

I looked at James and Elsie, they didn't said anything but was really expecting an answer after all that incident made Shana end up in a hospital. I gulped in the throat and cleared it.

Well, what actually happened was shocking for me too. On that day, I was asusual busy with my whiskey at home watching movie when I heard a knock on door, I opened and it was her, she caught me off guard and I was again left embarrassed, I didn't wanted to show her my weak spot but she did so for a change, she asked me to join her for the club. I wasn't able to say her no so I went upstairs to change and on the walls she saw Shana's pictures. When we reached club, she saw her and whispered in my ears to play along, so that we could see that if you are still in love with me or you have moved on. Ofcourse I know that was very silly and immature of me to do that but I was out of my mind when I turned back and saw Colin standing by you holding your shoulders, I was heart broke again and it felt like I'll die there. She asked me do the things that would make you jealous and if you will react, it will mean that you still love me somewhere. You know all the teenage tricks. And then out if no where, the dance happened and she started kissing me but trust me that was nothing. I felt nothing and neither did she, she was just sad for me that all I do is cry for a girl who isn't even in the country or my life anymore. I'm so sorry Shana, I didn't meant to hurt you. I never wanted to. When you fainted, and I saw Colin holding you in his arms, I felt like I was betrayed once again, I felt like someone is stabbing me directly in my heart, after you guys left, I got drunk and drove insanely even when Ally was shouting at me to stop the car and I crashed it. I hit the car in tree but it wasn't the big accident, the safety bags saved us. I just got a little muscle cramp in my left arm and that's why I didn't came to see you in the hospital. I felt useless. I'm sorry Shana, Please forgive me. I said everything and almost got out if breath.

I looked everyone's face. They all were about to cry especially Shana and Elly. Elly had her hand wrapped around her chest and tears rolling down her eyes and so do Shana's.

I am so sorry Robert. I'm so sorry. I love you so much that it hurts and seeing you with another girl was heart breaking and I had a nervous breakdown. I'm sorry, I just love you so much.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

We are so happy to finally see you both together. Robert you're our family, you always were and always will be. We are just so proud of you both. James proudly said and hugged Elsie and she smiled back at us.

The night was amazing, we had dinner and shared some beautiful memories. We announced the news of our wedding and Elsie and Emily started crying, Colin opened the bottle of champagne and we all stayed up all night. Shana slept in my lap and the others in the sofa and couch where everyone was sitting. I watched her sleeping peacefully and wrapped my arms around her and slept in the couch.

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