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The club was full of drunk people, everyone was shouting, dancing, cheering, enjoying themselves. Emily and I decided to have vodka shots competition. We went to the bar and asked for 16 shots. 8 for me and 8 for Emily. The bartender was a young man, aged about 24 or 25, green eyes, tall, blonde hair and looked like an asian man. He gave us the shots and counted to 3 and we started drinking and throwing the glasses don't know where, it all went so quick and I won.
The music was loud, that it was impossible to even hear our own words. Emily asked me to join her on the dance floor but I didn't wanted to dance with her,  maybe I could dance with this handsome guy. I looked at the bartender guy but he was gone. Emily found some of her friends and she went to dance with them, leaving me alone. I sat on the bar watching everyone dancing and I ordered a mug of beer. I was shaking from inside because of the alcohol. It felt like the alcohol is slowly mixing in my blood and flowing in my veins. With every sip my eyes got heavier. I didn't realize that I was already drunk and I was falling on the table.
I felt a strong grip on my waist, like someone is holding me from falling, I turned back and it was the bartender boy. I froze for a minute but then the liquor work and I asked him for a dance.

Hey! I'm Shana, would you like to dance? I shouted in his ears because the music was so loud.

Well, you seems drunk, you can't stand straight, I suggest you to sit somewhere nice where you don't fall. He leaned into me and whispered in my ears. I felt shivers down in my spine.

I wouldn't mind to have a dance with you but it seems like you're not interested in me. I rest my head on his shoulder and whispered back in his ears.

The moment was heating up and in the air conditioned club, I was sweating.

He held my hand tight and dragged me to the dance floor without saying a word.  Don't know why but it didn't felt wrong this time. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close, I wrapped my arms around his neck and just leaned into him and rest my head on his shoulder.

Just in few minutes, the lights got dim and the rock pop music turned into slow romantic and melodious music making everyone feeling so soft from inside. All the animals which were running inside the heads of every boy and girl here stopped and gone somewhere far away. Everyone started pairing up in couple and they just let the romantic moment take them away.

I pulled my head back and looked into his eyes. They were so calm and hypnotising.

I didn't asked your name btw? I whispered in his ears.

Does that really matter right now? He said tighten the grip on my waist making me breath heavily.

Untill you're here with me on the dance floor, it doesn't matter but once we're off of it. It damn matters Mr. I chuckled and gave him a peck on his cheeks.

I'm Colin, I work as a bartender here but it's my part time Job. I work as an IT consultant in an IT company and I just like to spend time and making drinks so I work here after my office hours.

I stood there, shocked. I just couldn't believe he works for an IT company. I mean he can but I just didn't expected this. It's amazing.

Well, I didn't expected that from you but it's really nice.

Yeah, I mean it's my hobby since highschool.
I love it and the IT is my Job for a standard living with respect. Tell me about you? What do you do Shana? He asked curiously.

Well, I'm an Writer and a Journalist, I work for Rolling Stone magazine but I'm taking break for few months. I was in UK from last 2 years working as editor-in-chief for RS.

So why are you taking a break?

It's just I wanted to come back to home, I was just tired of my life, I missed my family so I came back. Yeah it took me 2 years to realize that but at last I'm back. I said and we were off of the dance floor,walking back to the bar.

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